A P Environmental Science Wanda Moccio Welcome to
Goals of the Course Students will learn concepts and information from: the natural sciences of ecology, biology, chemistry, earth science and physics the social sciences of economics, politics and ethics
To help understand the following: How the earth works How we affect the earth’s environment How to live sustainably
APES Journal Quarterly Assignment 1.5 current article responses 2.5 website evaluations 3.3 Free-Response practice AP Exam questions
Syllabus and grading policy can be accessed on class wiki: Homework is posted daily through the portal – links to Google doc homework postingGoogle doc
Class Activities so far: RAISING AWARENESS 1. Life Cycle Analysis of a Sneaker 2. I = P x A x T how do we measure impact globally? 2. I = P x A x T how do we measure impact globally? 3. Ecological Footprint Calculation: how many earth’s do I use? How do I measure my impact? 3. Ecological Footprint Calculation: how many earth’s do I use? How do I measure my impact?
COLLECTING DATA TO ANALYZE CHANGE 1. Tree Lab (what do scientists do?) - find and ID 12 trees -create collection (archival data) - GPS located -determine benefit (CO 2 sequestering, energy savings) -assess validity of resources
2. Biodiversity in leaf litter - collection and identification - weather data correlation - introduction to metrics calculating diversity indexes
Coming up next week In the computer lab introducing students to Geospatial Technology Purpose: to assess the biome distribution on earth and the impact on them of rising temperature and changes in global distribution of precipitation 20, 50 and 80 years in the future
Field Day: Greenwich Audubon Two functions: 1. participate in Hawk Watch (early morning) 2. conduct a water quality analysis a. at site gather flow data, physical properties of stream observations, water sampling and storage for testing, macro invertebrate sampling b. back in class: ID and perform metrics on macro’s; chemical analysis of water
The AP Exam All students participating in AP classes at Greenwich High School are expected to take the AP exam offered in May, including UConn ECE students.