PDS Geosciences Node Page 1 Archiving LCROSS Ground Observation Data in the Planetary Data System Edward Guinness and Susan Slavney PDS Geosciences Node Washington University St Louis, MO 29 February 2008
PDS Geosciences Node Page 2 Introduction The PDS Geosciences Node is leading the LCROSS archiving work for PDS. Why we are here: –To introduce ourselves Ed Guinness and Susie Slavney Planetary Data System Geosciences Node Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri –To introduce the Planetary Data System (PDS) –To talk about what goes into making a PDS archive –To answer your questions and help you get started 29 Feb 2008 PDS Archiving
PDS Geosciences Node Page 3 29 Feb 2008 What is PDS? The Planetary Data System’s job is to... –Provide help to NASA missions and other data providers to organize and document their digital planetary data. –Collect complete, well-documented planetary data into archives that are peer-reviewed. –Ensure the long-term preservation and usability of the data. –Make the planetary data available and useful to the science community. –Provide assistance to the science community in using PDS archived data. PDS Archiving
PDS Geosciences Node Page 4 29 Feb 2008 What is PDS? How PDS makes data available to the public: –Data archives reside at the PDS Nodes where they are maintained by scientists who use the data and who can provide expert help. –Almost all PDS archives are available online for downloading. –PDS provides online search tools to help locate data of interest. PDS Discipline Nodes Atmospheres Node, New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri Imaging Node, U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona and Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California PPI (Planetary Plasma Interactions) Node, UCLA, Los Angeles, California Rings Node, Stanford University, Stanford, California Small Bodies Node, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland PDS Support Nodes NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility) Node, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Engineering Node, Jet Propulsion Laboratory PDS Archiving
PDS Geosciences Node Page 5 29 Feb 2008 Components of a PDS Archive Required: –Data products with PDS labels –Index of data products –Documentation PDS catalog information Other documentation Optional: –Calibration data and reports, used to understand how to generate derived products –Software to read the data, if needed –Extra material Quick-look or browse versions of data Analysis software PDS Archiving
PDS Geosciences Node Page 6 Components of LCROSS PDS Archives The LCROSS Science Team will submit 18 data sets to PDS: –Nine science instruments 1 Visible Context Camera, 2 Near-Infrared Cameras, 2 Mid-Infrared Cameras 1 Visible Spectrometer, 2 Near-Infrared Spectrometers 1 Total Visible Luminance Photometer –Two data sets per instrument Raw data products Derived (calibrated) data products Data sets will include: –PDS-labeled data products –Index tables –PDS catalog information –Data Product Software Interface Specification –Archive Volume Software Interface Specification 29 Feb 2008 PDS Archiving
PDS Geosciences Node Page 7 Components of Ground-Based Observation Archives Because ground-based observations are not mission-derived, the archive requirements can be simplified. –Data products in PDS-preferred formats with PDS labels –PDS catalog information, including a data set description If an observatory has archived data with PDS before, some information is already in the PDS catalog. –Additional documentation as needed What are PDS-preferred formats? –PDS images as simple binary arrays, without proprietary headers or formats –FITS images are acceptable with some limitations –Tables in plain ASCII text (preferred) or binary Peer reviews –Review data sets as a group, rather than a separate review for each one 29 Feb 2008 PDS Archiving
PDS Geosciences Node Page 8 What We Do With Your Data LCROSS ground-based observations will be considered a PDS Data Set Collection, all archived together at the Geosciences Node. The collection will be available for downloading from our web site (pds- geosciences.wustl.edu). The Orbital Data Explorer (ODE) search tool, now available for Mars orbital data, will be expanded to search lunar data including LRO and LCROSS. –Try ODE on Mars data at ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/. –To enable useful searches on LCROSS ground-based data, consider what common metadata should be included in each data set. 29 Feb 2008 PDS Archiving
PDS Geosciences Node Page 9 Resources PDS Main Web Site: pds.nasa.gov PDS Geosciences Node Web Site: pds-geosciences.wustl.edu How-To documents: –Proposer’s Archive Guide (PAG), pds.nasa.gov/documents/pag/ –Archive Preparation Guide (APG), pds.nasa.gov/documents/apg/ Both documents are directed toward mission-generated archives. Tools: –Label Design Tool (LTDTool) version 1.0 to be released soon; beta version now available. Ask us. –Label Validation Tool (Vtool) version now available at pds.nasa.gov/tools/software_download.cfm. –PDS Data Dictionary Lookup Tool online at pds.nasa.gov/tools/data_dictionary_lookup.cfm 29 Feb 2008 PDS Archiving
PDS Geosciences Node Page 10 Resources OLAF – Online Archiving Facility at the PDS Small Bodies Node sbn.psi.edu/olaf/ OLAF allows online automated submissions of spectra, time series, and other data in ASCII tables, and images in FITS format. Examples of observatory-based data sets in PDS –Lunar radar map – pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/lunar_radar/ –Lunar spectroscopy – pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/lunarspec/ –Shoemaker-Levy 9 archives – pdssbn.astro.umd.edu/sgnhtml/comets/SL9/ Contact us: 29 Feb 2008 PDS Archiving Ed Guinness Susie Slavney