Ghosts! Are they real?
Can ghosts exsist? T.A.P.S is a group of people who hunt ghosts and paranormal activity They have had many experiences, as they call them, with ghosts or paranormal activity Encounters for T.A.P.S is supposedly very common However some people are not as convinced What evidence do organizations or groups like this have?
The Evidence Well groups that do this type of profession have special equipment. They have infrared sensors and motion sensor cameras, video cameras called miniDV’s They have EVP’s which is a recording; it is a recording they make while they are seeking out ghosts They speak and ask the ghost questions sometimes they answer, but they don’t hear it right away So then on the recording they can pick it up and listen to it
What is a ghost? A ghost is defined as an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living Are there different types of ghosts? Ectoplasm- cloudy vapor mist like ghost Orbs- balls of light type ghost Funnel ghosts- looks like a tornado Shadow ghosts- appear as shadows Apparitions- a human resemblance (very RARE)
Why do people believe? Why do they not? Believers Non-believers Many who believe have had personnel experiences A lot of believers enjoy going against society because it may make them feel special or unique Some believers may just want them to be real and that’s why they believe Many who don’t believe mark paranormal activity as impossible Most of society doesn’t believe so a lot of people just go with the crowd Even people who have had encounters don’t believe because they may simply just be stubborn
Ghosts in Movies Ghosts have appeared in many movies such as the ones listed below, but just because they’re in movies doesn’t mean they aren’t real The Abandoned Alone Apartment 1303 The Ash-tree A Ghost Story for Christmas Possessed
Are ghosts fun? Sure many people have ghost festivals There are many places where they have a haunted house type deal set up Molitors haunted acres is just one of many Molitors is even in Minnesota! There are ones like the York Ghost Festival These festivals are designed for fun and entertainment no actual experiences of paranormal activity should happen
So are Ghosts real or not? Well I don’t still don’t believe in ghosts I suppose I am the type of person who goes with society or is just plain stubborn I also guess I’m the type of person to believe what I see
Works Citied "T.A.P.S.: "Orava Castle 2" - Ghost Hunters International - Caçadores De Fantasmas BR - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 20 Sept. 2011. <>. "Ghost Types." Ghosts & Spirits Ghost Pictures, Apparition Pictures, Angel & Ghost Stories. Web. 21 Sept. 2011. <>. "Category:Ghost Films." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 21 Sept. 2011. <>. "Molitor's Haunted Acres | Sauk Rapids, MN." Molitor's Quarry Grill & Bar | Sauk Rapids, MN | Catch the Experience! Web. 21 Sept. 2011. <>.