Booster Bias Supply and Cavity Upgrade November 16 th, 2011
Three new Ferrite Bias Supplies Built Two are complete – for NOvA One is fully tested and operational The other runs but needs further troubleshooting for odd slewing problem Third one is 40% complete - Booster spare Finished in the next 3-4 weeks There are 10 “Ling” MK I supplies that will need upgrading – Booster West Gallery only Replace main rectifier Transformer – marginal power rating for 15 Hz operation. Replace PVC SCR heat sinks – prone to LCW water leaks with any pressure surge. Upgrade can be done one at a time by changing out supply with spare.
Assembly of last new bias supply
One of the 10 (Ling) MK I bias supplies that will need upgrading is currently in the test station at MI-60. This supply is being run at 15 Hz to test just how warm the transformer will get. This will determine the priority of the transformer upgrade. Along with this test we are also taking ferrite bus bar temperature measurements on the cavity that was removed from Booster station 8. This will determine how the new water connection will be made. For a brief period of time RF has been run on the cavity from station 8 but long term temperature tests have not started. Expect to start in the next day or two. Cavity still suffering from a significant vacuum leak which may affect long term testing.
Continue temperature tests on Ling Mk I bias supply Continue bus bar temperature measurements on cavity from station 8. Make cavity/tuner temperature measurements with high power 15 Hz operation. ◦Plan to start tomorrow on high power testing of the cavity from station 8. ◦Should know in a few days if vacuum leak is a problem. ◦Plan to run cavity for at least a week or two for high power testing.