The Class of 2018…..and Beyond!
Out With The Old, In With The New The “Old” – OGT/OAA is phased out for all current freshman and sophomores. The “New” – End of Course Exams (AIR tests)/ Point system, Industry Credential, College Entrance Exam, CCP classes in core areas. So what does all this mean?
Here’s How It Works (New Requirements) Must earn 21.5 credits 1. 4 Credits of Math 2. 4 Credits of Language Arts 3. 3 Credits of Science 4. 3 Credits of Social Studies Credit PE Credit Health Credit of Personal Finance 8. 1 Credit Fine Arts 9. 5 Credits of Electives (See p. 32 of ACOVLS Handbook)
Here’s How It Works (New Requirements) Must earn a minimum of 18 pts total in the following areas (you can earn between 1 and 5 points on each content-area exam) 1. Language Arts I, Language Arts II 2. Algebra I, Geometry 3. American History, American Government 4. Biology/ Physical Science
Minimum Points In Each Area 4 Pts in Math Algebra I Geometry 4 Pts in L. Arts Lang Arts I Lang Arts II 6 Pts in Science & Social Studies American History American Government Biology/ Physical Science
Say What?
Alternative Pathways Don’t worry. There are other ways to win this battle.
Alternative Pathways If you attend the CTC as a Junior and Senior you can earn up to 12 points on Industry Credential and Workforce Readiness tests (in addition to the minimum 14 cumulative points earned in core area tests). You can take a nationally recognized college entrance exam (possibly the ACT) as a junior (state pays the fee) and earn remediation free scores in English/Language Arts and Math. ACT ELA – 18 Math - 22
Alternative Pathways College Credit Plus (Formerly “Post-Secondary Option”) Enroll in and pass valid college courses in required testing areas and receive points (1-5) based on the final grade in the course. A or B = 5 C = 4 D = 3* F = 0 * D’s will not transfer nor award college credit in some cases.
Don’t Worry! We will get through this together! Please see the Ohio Dept of Education Web Site ( for Graduation Requirements