James Madison
Pre-Presidency 2 nd Continental Congress Constitutional Convention (“Father”) Federalist Papers Sec. State (Jefferson)
R.I.P. Federalists ish Hartford Convention Regional Party
American System Henry Clay Internal Improvements –National Road, Erie Canal (?) National Defense 2 nd National Bank (1816) Tariff of 1816 John Randolph (Against = unconstitutional)
Early Issues Repeal of Embargo Act Passage of Non-Intercourse Act (1809) Impressments >> Macon’s Act Tecumseh Confederacy War Hawks – Expansion –FLA, Canada, Mexico –John C, Calhoun (SC), Henry Clay (KY)
Macon’s Act End trade restrictions w/ Brit or France Whichever stopped violations of neutrality rights Napoleon repeals Berlin & Milan Decrees but French violations cont… Embargo against Brit. Renewed>>impressments increase
Causes of the War of 1812 British: –Blockade of Europe –Seize American ships –Impressments Tecumseh Confed. –Tippecanoe
Battle of Tippecanoe
Battle of Tippecanoe –U.S. Army destroys Shawnee village –Take heavy losses –Shawnee Supplied by British
The major battles of the War of 1812
Notable Events of the War Death of Tecumseh (1813) U.S. Navy takes Lake Erie (1813) British raids along Atlantic Coast ( ) British burn down Washington D.C. (1814) Battle of New Orleans (Andrew Jackson) (1814)
Hartford Convention Proposed Amendments to the Constitution by Federalists No embargoes over 60 days 2/3 vote of each House required to: –Declare war –Place restrictions on trade –Admit new states to the union
Hartford Convention No naturalized citizen shall hold federal office Direct taxes & representation in House to be apportioned according to # of free inhabitants 1 term limit for Pres No successive Presidents from same state
Results of the War Treaty of Ghent leaves issues unresolved (“status quo”) But…most differences soon resolved between U.S. and Britain
Effects on U.S. Nationalism Hastens decline of Federalist Party Begins “Era of Good Feelings ”