Lecture 25+26
1. Revolt of 1916 y.: reasons and occasion. 2. February revolution of 197 y.: arrangement of political positions.
Nicolai II bless to soldiers
The Participation of Russia in the I World war promoted amplification of national- colonial oppression in Kazakhstan and has caused an aggravation of all set of national and social contradictions. A policy of mass migration movement to Kazakhstan and the withdrawal of the lands connected to it, and also an strengthening of local government have resulted in the national-liberation movements of the 1916 y.
The Law from June, 25, 1916 “about mobilization of indigenous population “for works on creation of defensive structures in areas of a field army and rear works”. Mobilization was subjected men from in the age from 19 till 43 years. In total from Kazakhstan and Central Asia should be recruited more than 400 thousand person.
Indigenous population is Kazakhs, Kyrgyz’s, Uzbeks, Tadjiks, Turkmens, Dungans, Uigurs. From mobilization were excused those, who consist on public service, occupying managing posts in local administration, noblemen, honorable citizens.
Revolt has captured all steppe. One of the revolt centers became Semirechie oblast. Despite of heroic resistance, revolt was suppressed in October, Mass arrests were made, court- martials operated. More than 300 thousand Kazakhs and Kyrgyzs moved to China.
War (revolt) was got guerrilla character; great bulk of insurgents has concentrated in 150 km from Turgai (Eastern Kz) in Batpakkara where council on management of military actions was created, to management of controllable areas. Revolt proceeded till 1917 and has merged with events of February revolution. Revolt of 1916 is a component of liberation movement of Kazakh people, its national- liberation struggle.
On February, 27th, 1917 in Russia there was a bourgeois-democratic revolution, tsar has been discharged of authority. In Kazakhstan have passed meetings and assemblies in support of revolution. Revolution has revived hopes for the decision of the main questions - returning of all withdrawn by colonization, the independent national device. Process of discharge from authority of officials of colonial administration has begun.
DOUBLEPOWER Provisional (Temporary) government Party of Bolsheviks (RSDWP)
Head of government is Kerenskii (in Russia) Kazakh intellectuals: A.Bukeihkanov, A.Baitursynov, M.Dulatov –”Alash” party Leader’s party is W. Lenin (in Russia) Mukan Aitpenov -“Ush zhuze”party
In March, 1917 the vigorous activity in the country was developed by social democrats bolsheviks, whose organizations operated practically in all areas and districts. The second real authority in Kazakhstan became advice, as bodies of people's power. In March-April, 1917 in country it has been created more than 25 Council of working, country, soldier's deputies. The supervising role in the majority of Council was played by social democrats men’sheviks and essers.
● Agrarian ● National ● State construction( national autonomy)
The provisional government undertook shy steps of settlement of a situation in Kazakhstan. -Declaration a cancelling of any restrictions in the rights of citizens of Russia -Amnesty to participants of revolt of 1916
The provisional government continued participation in World war, the decision of an agrarian question was postponed before convocation of the Constituent assembly, even has not been declared about the right of the nations to self-determination. Practice of national discrimination, former great-power policy proceeded, were kept migration managements
Strikes and strikes of workers were combined with performances of city poor, supported by soldiers. Mass character was got with agrarian performances. There were months(9) and the Provisional government did not undertake factual measures on satisfaction of needs of workers, its authorities lost under themselves ground, besides, the Provisional government has followed a way of suppression of performances of workers force.
Thank you for the attention!