Welcome to Accounting/Advanced Accounting with Mrs. Pierce
Course Goals... Learn “the language” of business! Gain an awareness of career opportunities in Accounting
Activities & Assignments Accounting Terminology -Manipulatives -Bingo -Choose-it -Match-it Study Guides MS Excel Accounting App/website Problems---- -Work-together -On-Your –Own -Recycling -Mastery -Challenge Audit Your Understanding Cases Reinforcement Activities Accounting Simulations
Grade Total Point System Assignments and projects approximately 50% Home work is expected when due! Late work: 90% if handed in by end of 8 th /homeroom same day it was due; 1 day late a possible 80%; 2 days late a possible 70%. 3 days late, no credit. Abuse of policy—zero points. Points taken off for improperly labeled assignment Tests, quizzes approximately 50% 6
Be Prepared Materials, Supplies (cover book) Blue or black ink pen, pencil, calculator, book, working papers binder, vocab packet Properly Label assignments: your name, date due, Assignment name, page # if applicable When absent—mark on assignment as “make-up”
EXPECTATIONS: Read the Chapter—it aides in understanding & reinforcing classroom activities! 8
Expectations... Be on Time In assigned seat when bell rings No Food in Room Bottled water OK 9
Be Respectful of: Others Raise hand to speak—do not Interrupt while teacher, classmate is speaking as is very rude and Prevents learning/understanding 10
Be Respectful of: Property Windows—if need blinds adjusted, or window open/closed, ask Mrs. Pierce Supply Box—materials to be used appropriately & put back neatly Tables & Chairs after team activities put chairs & tables back as directed (before class ends) Do not sit on tables nor lean back on chairs to prevent breakage Computers—adhere to school policy and lab rules 11
Hall Pass Procedure: Let teacher know if need to leave room Student must sign out on sign out pad when in Rm. 301 and take the appropriate pass and return to tray on Mrs. Pierce’s desk. Put return time on sign out sheet When in the PC lab--take appropriate pass from box on table by phone, complete sign out sheet (name, where, when) give pass to Mrs. Pierce when back. 12
Consequences: Abuse of Hall Pass Procedure includes: lose privileges for a week time made up after school Detention Abuse of supplies, property, equipment: A detention Tardies issued for: lateness to class (no pass) Not in assigned seat when bell rings, Going back to locker to get assignment, books for class, vocab flash cards, etc. 13
Cell Phones OFF, put on table, No Ipods (No music, games, video’s, etc on Ipad). --unless teacher directed/permission! 14
Student Expectations: Pop Quizzes NO! General Supplies for activities (Supply Box Items) Assistance for a Positive Learning Environment 15
Any Questions? Complete Signature Sheet Name, date, textbook number, textbook condition (pages torn or marked on, cover written on/torn, etc.) 16
I understand Mrs. Pierce’s expectations, procedures, and consequences for Accounting/Advanced Accounting _________ Textbook Number Textbook condition _____________________ ___________ Student’s signatureDate 17