Computer Safety Online and Offline By Michelle Noel
Resources The majority of the following slides were generally based on a list that was attained from the following web site: resources/social-networking-dos-donts resources/social-networking
Defining rules Rules will vary depending on : Age Maturity Family Values Trust level Prior decision making
Basic Online Safety Never Reveal Personal Information such as address, phone number, age Never give out your password Never physically get together with someone you met online Discuss with parents which pictures are appropriate to post online. Stick to determined guidelines. Never use harmful or hurtful words to others
Online Safety Don’t respond to any messages that you make you feel uncomfortable. Don’t respond to bullying. Tell your parents if it occurs. Block those who make you feel uncomfortable Use only kind words Use sites that begin with HTTPS only When leaving computer unattended, log out.
Suggestions to Parents Discuss how to identify appropriate and inappropriate behaviors Discuss healthy boundaries (online and offline) Discuss mistakes without punishment to discourage secret keeping Set clear rules and consequences Limit internet access to a minimum time before your home goes to sleep
Talk with other parents to learn about technology kids are using today Monitor use When monitoring your child’s technology, tell them you are doing so. Equate this to the internet being a public domain. Set privacy to strictest setting
Offline Safety Never meet anyone from an online connection alone. If planning to meet someone from an online connection, tell an adult, get permission and bring an adult with you. If meeting someone from an online connection, always meet in public places for your own safety. Trust your gut feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, It probably isn’t right.