Marketing 101 Day 1
What does Marketing include? Brainstorm Ideas
Marketing is more than just advertising and promotion. It basically covers all the activities that are required to get a product/service from the source to the customer Research Product development Pricing Packaging Branding Sales Physical Distribution Inventory management Storage Promotion
4P’s and 2C’s Product/service Price Promotion Place Customer Competition
MAGIC Firm A"We offer you a means for gathering, processing, and analyzing business data." Firm B"We make computers.“ Firm A"Please donate blood. Your hospital needs it." Firm B "Please donate You will never know when you or one of your loved ones will need it.“ Firm A "We make pumps." Firm B "We deliver water into people's homes at the right pressure and volume.
KAHOOT With your phone or laptop go to:
Your turn With a partner…write down a name of an everyday product Put it in the hat Pick randomly Make MAGIC!
Creative Strategies Humour Comparison Emotion Lifestyle Testimonial Celebrity Endorsement Character Presenter Sex Appeal
Your Turn Open a blank document Title: Creative Strategies Find an example of each Creative Strategy Copy/Paste Include links of where you got images from at the bottom.
Consumer Behavioural Stages When presented with an ad a consumer will go through 1-4 stages
1st - Awareness Your ad catches their attention –Ad appeals to a large number of people
2 nd - Comprehension The information presented sparks the consumers interest –Consumer understands the purpose, image and characteristics of product
3 rd - Conviction The information presented seems relevant to the consumer and they will remember the product –The consumer believes in the value of the product –It wins a place in the mindof the consumer EXAMPLES?
4 th - Action An active response occurs here, they will want to buy the product The more people understand the product, believe in it and want it, the more will act and buy it.
Personal Ad Assignment