Elise Runberg
Client: MSUM Planetarium Primary Focus: Attracting more people to the planetarium and showcasing opportunities. Target audience: College students and Professors/faculty and sponsors. Research: Secondary-Previous surveys. Primary- We conducted a survey.
Public Relations- Market the Planetarium to be more appealing to everyone. Campaign Goals- Get more people coming to the planetarium. Creative Strategies- Placement of billboards electronically and physically to target college students. Print ad and radio ad targeting faculty and adults.
After our secondary research we learned that not many students knew about the planetarium. For our primary research we conducted our survey with MSUM students. We learned that ___ % of students have never attended an event at the planetarium. We decided to implement social media into our campaign to reach out to a broader demographic.
Strengths: Great place to get tutoring help with your school work. Only domed projection facility in the area. Convenient location Decent amount of likes on Facebook. Weaknesses Not well know and events have low attendance The potential of the facility is not recognized.
Opportunities: There are many opportunities with tutoring and education in the planetarium. There are many opportunities to improve the social media aspects. Threats There are several competitors in the ares such as the MSUM Library the Moorhead Public Library, the Fargo Public Library, and the CMU on MSUM.
Objectives: Our objectives for research were to utilize the existing secondary research to get a foundation of knowledge about the planetarium and then conduct our own survey to fill in the gaps of the information gathered. Primary Research: We Conducted a survey to MSUM students. Survey questions: SHOULD WE WRITE THEM?
Secondary Research Research Findings
Primary Audience: Our primary audience was college students with an desire to learn and better their themselves. Secondary Audience: Our secondary audience was faculty and adults who are interested in helping students who may be struggling.
Marketing: Promote the services offered at the planetarium and make them more desirable. Advertising: Make planetarium’s ads more eye catching and grab attention of public. Positioning Statement: Make the planetarium your number one location to get help with your schoolwork and better your education.
Round out your education at the Planetutorum.
Goals: Create a better reputation and bigger knowledge base of the planetarium with the public. Strategies: Give away prizes and hold contests that engage the public to keep them excited and interested. Tactics: Send out a press release to department heads asking them to give extra credit to students for attending the planetarium.
Paid Media: Our radio ad which will be played on local radio stations, our print ad which will be in the advocate and local magazines, and finally our billboard which will be displayed electronically on MSUM campus and along I29n/s and I94e/w Owned Media: ????? Earned Media: ????? Budget: ???????