Skilling Smarter - A Forum for Aged Care and Disability Support Services
Reframing the Future Project Overview Funding provided by Reframing the Future (RTF) – national staff development and change management initiative in the category of Effective Networking Funding for initial project from Federal Government matched in kind from TAFE NSW - Northern Sydney Institute
Reference Group Members Carolyn Moir, Nurse Educator, Baptist Community Services Michael Ward, Learning and Development Manager, Aged & Community Services Association of NSW & ACT Inc Karen Martin, Program Co-ordinator Manager, Aged Care Channel Christina Jurd, Community Educator, BCS Northern Region Heather Butler, United Protestant Association, Community Care Coordinator Liz Webb, TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute, Associate Director Community Services and Health, College Director, Meadowbank College Margaret Heathcote, TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute, Community Services and Health, Business Line Manager Susan Monti, TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute, Head Teacher, Welfare, Northern Beaches College Pat Vella, TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute, Head Teacher, Welfare, Meadowbank College
Reframing the Future Project Aim In partnership with industry: Establish a sustainable and collaborative Network that identifies industry’s short and long term training needs and determines possible solutions in the areas of: –Aged Care - Residential and Home and Community Care –Disability Support Services
Anticipated Outcomes of the Project For individuals participating in the network: New contacts Opportunities to explore different models and approaches to training and skills recognition Float plans to continue the network – 2008 and beyond
Anticipated Outcomes of the Project For organisations participating in the network: Access to related industry sectors to improve training outcomes Opportunity to network with other organisations with similar challenges and establish training partnerships Opportunity to influence Training Package and industry skill development Additional access to the latest training information
Anticipated Outcomes of the Project For the Vocational Training and Education (VTE) system: A training workforce that is innovative, flexible and responsive to the needs of industry Relevant training that provides a greater capacity for workplace delivery and recognition of prior learning Accessible training and further development of career pathways in Aged and Disability Care and Leisure & Recreation sectors
Industry Training Issues The need for flexible and innovative training which takes into account industry reality Cost and time effective training for industry and workers in a range of areas including IT and supervisory skills – linked to funding sources Holistic approach to training and skill formation particularly in the workplace – building on synergies between Aged and Disability Care Short-term skill shortages versus longer term skills formation
Questions to consider throughout the day Your immediate needs for the network Your training requirements Possible objectives and expectations for the network Priorities for the network over the next twelve months The network as a hub for information about practical initiatives in aged care and disability workforce development and training
Future Directions for the Network Web forum for sharing of information utilising social technologies TAFE NSW – NSI e-Newsletter for the industry – with contributions from Forum members Increased contact with Training providers The development of a network conduit What other things would you like to see?
WELCOME TO THE NETWORK! We look forward to your contribution and input