Access to HE Update Learner numbers for Regional data for QAA developments Areas of growth RSciTech Scheme Dates for your diary
Learner Numbers for The story so far.. After seeing a significant drop in learner numbers for , this academic year providers are generally reporting very good enrolment figures with many meeting or exceeding their targets Until loans are in place and learners are registered the actual numbers cannot be confirmed Nursing, Health, Science and Business largest numbers Lowest in the Creative Arts Take up of loans, at present 12,000 which is higher than at this point last year
OCN London regional data for Success – 60.2% Achievement – 85.1% relatively stable Overall grades pass – 37.85% merits % distinctions %
QAA Developments Subject Descriptors – Work to be restarted on this to complete subject descriptor for Health related programmes. This was originally to be very specific for nursing and midwifery but will now be more general. Work to start on subject descriptors for Social Work. No date as yet for publication Review of the grading scheme review – QAA will carry out a review of the grading scheme. The intention will not be to implement a new system, but to tweak the existing scheme where the review suggests areas for improvement or further guidance.
QAA Developments Grading Benchmarks o Access to HE Data Analyst at QAA o Revisiting the benchmark for grading against the A level ABB+, which was around 27%. o Looking at national grading data both for Access and A levels in light of new tariff o Set a benchmark that compares more closely with Access to HE grading outcomes. (e.g. 128 new tariff points includes profiles with some pass grades)
Areas of Growth Private providers- increasing number of private training providers / private HE providers delivering Access to HE Blended / distance learning - new models of delivery Access to HE progression to HNDs for internal HE in FE progression QAA monitoring these and in the process of setting more stringent quality assurance requirements in these areas. New licencing Criteria to be put in place for Access Validating Agencies (AVAs)
RSciTech Scheme Last year saw the national roll out of the RSC and Gatsby Foundation scheme. Access to HE Diploma (Science) learners are given the opportunity to gain membership to the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) And to undertake an employer led project as part of their Diploma and be put forward for the Registered Science Technician professional registration. This year two London Colleges are participating in the scheme
Dates for your Diary. QAA Access to HE Admissions Fair – 15 th October Westminster Central Hall OCN London Access to HE Conference - 4 th November. Development and Innovation in Access to HE. Park Crescent Conference Centre, Great Portland Street QAA - UCAS Tariff and Mature Learners Discussion Seminar. London event 17 th November
For further information OCN London Website QAA Access to HE Website Marisa Castellini - Curriculum Development Manager - Access to HE