Funding for the George A. Smathers Libraries Judith C. Russell Library Faculty Assembly November 19, 2007
Funding Sources Income from Recurring Sources
Funding Summary Adjusted Base% Recurring Income Appropriations $ 21,751, % Other Income (DSR, FCLA) $ 1,702, % Development Contribution $ 425, % Subtotal $ 23,878, % Non-recurring Income Spendable Endowment Income $ 731,878 External Grants $ 275,436 Balance Brought Forward $ 1,511,245 Subtotal $ 2,758,559 TOTAL $ 26,637,461 Summary
Funding Details Base BudgetAdjustmentAdjusted Base% Materials $ 7,327,676($314,366) $ 7,013, % Other Expenses $ 1,133,036($63,900) $ 1,069, % Salary Increase16,498 $ 16,498 Salaries & Benefits (includes OPS) $14,241,488($589,000) $13,652, % $22,702,200($450,768) $21,751, % Income from Appropriated Funds 92.8% of Recurring Income
Funding Details Base BudgetAdjustmentAdjusted Base% Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) $ 1,050,000 ($168,000) $ 882, % Contribution from Professional Schools Tuition Increase $ 500,000 Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA) $ 334,729 ($14,259) $ 320,469Estimated $ 1,884,729($182,259) $ 1,702,469 Other Income (Estimated) 5.2% of Recurring Income Note: 16% of the funds provided by DSR are transferred to the Health Sciences Library. Contributions from IFAS and Engineering are included.
Funding Details Adjusted Base Annual Endowment Income $ 365,000Estimated Average Gift Income (Variable) $ 60,000Estimated $ 425,000 Development Contribution (Estimated) 2.0% of Recurring Income Endowment Value as of 9/30/2007: $10,785,000 Capital Campaign Goal: $20,000,000
Funding Details Adjusted Base Spendable Endowment Income as of 7/1/2007 Books and Materials $ 395,629 Departmental $ General $ 263,399 Subtotal $ 731,878 Balance Brought Forward $ 1,408,619 Already Obligated/Spent ($ 844,703) Prior Years $ 947,329 Subtotal $ 1,511,245 TOTAL $ 2,758,559 Non-Recurring Funds
Funding Summary Adjusted Base% Recurring Income Appropriations $ 21,751, % Other Income (DSR, FCLA) $ 1,702, % Development Contribution $ 425, % Subtotal $ 23,878, % Non-recurring Income Spendable Endowment Income $ 731,878 External Grants $ 275,436 Balance Brought Forward $ 1,511,245 Subtotal $ 2,758,559 TOTAL $ 26,637,461 Summary
Capital Campaign Endowment Value Annual Income (Estimated) Current Endowments $ 10,785,000 $ 430,000 Capital Campaign Goal $ 20,000,000 $ 800,000 $ 30,000,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 40,000,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 50,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 60,000,000 $ 2,400,000 $ 65,000,000 $ 2,600,000 Potential Endowment Contributions
Capital Campaign $10 million: Increase endowments for acquisition of and access to collections that support university educational and research programs $3 million: Increase endowments for the digitization and preservation of collections to ensure wide-spread access and future availability $2 million: Increase direct support for acquisition and integration of significant new collections $3 million: Increase endowments for library programs and services, including named faculty positions $2 million: Obtain support for renovating and updating library facilities Objectives for the Libraries’ Capital Campaign August 30, 2007