1. Welcome and apologies Apologies were received from Dany Vandromme (RENATER), Robert Sultana and Victor Buttigieg (UoM), Brian Carpenter and David Martin (IBM), Jan Weglarz and Stanislaw Starzak (PCSS), Yves Poppe (Teleglobe), Geert-Jan Spelde (Level3), Jean-Marc Uzé (Juniper), Mário Campolargo (EU), Jan Torreele (BELNET), Sæþór Jónsson and Jón Ingi Einarsson (RHnet), Tugrul Yilmaz (ULAKBIM), Kees Neggers and Boudewijn Nederkoorn (SURFnet), Rimantas Kavaliunas and Petras Sulcas (LITNET) Proxies: Artur Binczewski represents PCSS with proxy Inara Opmane represents LATNET with proxy Erik-Jan Bos represents SURFnet with proxy
2. Approval of Agenda 3. Minutes and Actions List The GA is asked to approve the agenda The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 19th GA meeting (Zagreb, May 2003)
4a. Admission of new members The GA is asked to admit the University of Malta as a national Member of TERENA, with its membership in category 1, and with the usual phase-in discount for new members 4b. Changes in membership The GA is asked to admit Consortium GARR as the National Member for Italy, replacing INFN 4c. New representatives Robert Sultana and Victor Buttigieg (Univ. Malta) Enzo Valente and Claudia Battista (GARR)
4d. Outstanding Membership Fees Memberctry total IPMIR28,200 30,36958,569 ANSTI/RNCRO 20,55220,552 MARNETMK 5,384 5,27210,656 Teleglobe 2, , TOTAL 036,198 56,57192,769
7. TERENA Activity Plan 2004
8a. Contribution categories of National Members The GA is asked to decide that all TERENA National Members will be in the same membership category in 2004 as they are in 2003.
8b. Projected outlook 2003 (kEUR)2002 result 2003 budget 2003 outlook INCOME contributions project income other income TOTAL DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs Technical Programme TOTAL INCOME LESS DIRECT EXP INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs other administrative costs TOTAL OPERATING RESULT interest received financial expenses TOTAL INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE RESERVES AT YEAR START RESERVES AT YEAR END
8c. Proposed budget 2004 (kEUR)2003 budget 2003 outlook 2004 prop.budget INCOME contributions project income other income TOTAL DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs Technical Programme TOTAL INCOME LESS DIRECT EXP INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs other administrative costs TOTAL OPERATING RESULT interest received financial expenses TOTAL INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE RESERVES AT YEAR START RESERVES AT YEAR END
8c. Budget 2004 and membership fees 2004 The GA is asked to adopt the TERENA budget for 2004 as shown in document GA(03)030 and to determine that the membership fee for 2004 will remain unchanged at EUR 4700 per unit.
11. Secretariat matters TERENA Secretariat staff per October 2003 Karel VietschSecretary General John DyerChief Technical Officer Valentino CavalliProject Development Officer Kevin MeynellProject Development Officer Licia FlorioProject Development Officer Baiba KaskinaProject Development Officer Alex de JoodeSenior IT Support Officer(20/39) Dick VisserSystem/Network Manager(30/39) Jeroen HoubenWebmaster Bert van PinxterenChief Administrative Officer Wilma OverdevestFinancial Administrator (24/39) Carol de GrootPR & Conference Officer Roos StouthamerSecretary