2014 – 2015 RSACWC Budget Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income 01 President - Income st Vice President - Income Membership - Income Membership Directory - Income Membership Dues - Income 5, Membership - Income - Other 0.00 Total Membership - Income 6, Reservations - Income 12, Total 02 1st Vice President - Income 18, nd Vice President - Income Fundraiser/Golf - Income AUSA Golf Tournament Sponsorships - Income 6, Tournament Fees - Income 2, Total AUSA Golf Tournament 8, MOAA Golf Tournament 3, Total Fundraiser/Golf - Income 12, Fundraising - Income Bingo Fundraiser - Income Formal Fundraiser - Income 12, Miscellaneous Fundraiser MWR Contracts - Income Christmas Decorating - Income 2, Oktoberfest - Income MWR Contracts - Income - Other 0.00 Total MWR Contracts - Income 3, Total Fundraising - Income 16, Vendor Coordinator - Income 1, Total 03 2nd Vice President - Income 30, Treasurer - Income Ways & Means - Income 3, Total 04 Treasurer - Income 3, Public Relations - Income Secretary - Income 0.00 Total Income 51, Gross Profit 51,350.00
2014 – 2015 RSACWC Budget Expense 01 President - Expense Liason - Expense 0.00 Office of Board Member - Exp Parlimentarian - Exp Total 01 President - Expense st Vice President -Expense Hospitality Committee - Expense Membership Committee - Expense Membership Directory - Exp Membership Supply - Expense Total Membership Committee - Expense Office of Board Member - Exp Decoration -- Expense Luncheon - Expense 12, Month Birthday - Expense Monthly Anniversary - Expense Newcomers Tea - Expense Office Supplies - Expense Super Sign Up - Expense 2, Total Office of Board Member - Exp 15, Outreach Committee - Expense 0.00 Reservation Committee - Expense Volunteer Coordinator - Expense Volunteer Gifts - Expense Volunteer of the Month - Exp Volunteer of the Year - Exp Total Volunteer Coordinator - Expense Total 02 1st Vice President -Expense 15, nd Vice President - Expense Activities Committee - Expense 0.00 Golf Tournament Expense AUSA Golf Tournament - Expense Other - Expense 1, Prizes - Expense RSA Usage - Expense 3, Total AUSA Golf Tournament - Expense 4, MOAA Golf Tournament - Expense 0.00 Total Golf Tournament Expense 4, Merit Awards Committee - Exp Office of Board Member - Exp Bingo Fundraiser - Expense Formal Fundraiser - Expense 7, Supply - Expense Total Office of Board Member - Exp 7, Salute Grants Committee - Exp Vendor Coordinator - Expense 0.00 Total 03 2nd Vice President - Expense 13,300.00
2014 – 2015 RSACWC Budget 04 Treasurer - Expense Office of Board Member - Exp Alabama Certificate - Expense Audit - Expense Bonding - Expense Insurance - Expense Software - Expense Supply - Expense Total Office of Board Member - Exp 1, Ways & Means Committee - Exp 2, Total 04 Treasurer - Expense 3, Public Relations - Exp Newsletter - Exp Office of Board Member - Exp Webmaster - Expense Total 05 Public Relations - Exp Secretary - Expense Historian - Expense Office of Board Member - Exp Total 06 Secretary - Expense Total Expense 34, Net Ordinary Income 16, Net Income16, Unrestricted Income 3, Restricted Income Merit Awards 6, Salute Grant 6,640.80