Introduction to Psychology Therapies
Psychotherapy Any psychological technique used to facilitate positive changes in a person’s personality, behavior, and adjustment
“Best Practices” Research indicates the most effective therapies based on the presenting problem
Types of Therapy Individual Group Family Play Brief
Conceptualizations of Psychopathology Psychodynamic Humanistic Behavioral Cognitive Cognitive- behavioral Existential
Psychodynamic Approach Disturbances are caused by underlying conflicts; repression Id/ego/superego are in conflict
Psychodynamic Approach Free association: saying whatever comes to mind Transference/counter-transference Catharsis: emotional release Role of therapist: blank screen
Humanistic Approach Carl Rogers Non-directive Reflection of feelings Unconditional positive regard Role of therapist: supportive; empathetic and open
Humanistic Approach Based on the belief that people want to get better Reflection of ideas/feelings: so the person can hear his/her own voice
Existential Therapy Being-in-the-world creates conflict “existential dilemmas”: not living authentically, reaching our potential Search for meaning; leading a life of purpose Role of therapist: to confront/challenge, explore
Behavioral Therapy To modify behavior Assumption: mental illness results from learned maladaptive behaviors Reinforcing more adaptive behaviors For phobias: systematic desensitization
Cognitive Therapy Albert Ellis Correcting distortions in thinking All-or-nothing thinking Confronting and reframing irrational thoughts Role of the therapist: to challenge, encourage healthier thought patterns
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Confronting irrational beliefs Encouraging specific healthy behaviors i.e. Assigning exercise as “homework” Encouraging an alcoholic to note situations/triggers and to actively avoid them
Counseling Skills Active listening Reiterating the main point Reflection of feelings Use of open postures
Therapeutic Skills Reframing Confrontation Making associations; inviting the person to consider them Education Use of silence Open questions
Therapeutic Alliance Building rapport Good “match” between therapist and client Cultural differences? Gender differences?
Confidentiality and Reporting When/why do we break confidentiality? Tarasoff case: duty to warn
Ethical Issues Should therapists give advice? Dating/sexual relationships? Should therapists receive therapy themselves?