13 Colonies
The New England Colonies Massachusetts (Maine) New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut Massachusetts Picture Credit: 98/america/colonization/colonies-ne/ne-intro.html
Reasons for coming to the USA. l Some people didn’t like the Church of England. l They wanted the Church to be more pure. These people were called Puritans. l They decided to start a colony in the North East part of the USA.
Settling in Massachusetts l John Winthrop was the leader of the Puritans. l Massachusetts means at or near the great hill in Algonkian, Native American language. l The colony’s first settlement was Boston along the Charles River. Picture Credit:
Colonial Life l Massachusetts and Connecticut had laws saying that if there were 50 families, a teacher needed to be hired and a school setup. l These schools were called grammar or writing schools.grammar or writing schools. Picture Credit:
Schools l Boys went to grammar schools while girls went to dame school. l There was no chalkboards, maps, or paper. l School teachers were strict and were allowed to hit their students or make them wear a dunce hat.
Thomas Hooker l He left Massachusetts to live in Connecticut because he didn’t like the way the Puritans lived. l IN 1639,Connecticut had the FIRST WRITTEN LAWS IN NORTH AMERICA.
Roger Williams l Roger Williams believed you should tolerate other people’s beliefs in God. l He left Massachusetts and started a colony, Providence. Picture Credit: history/0003.html
Anne Hutchinson l Anne Hutchinson was a woman who believed you could go directly to God so you could pray to God without going through a priest. l She moved to Providence with Roger Williams and started the Rhode Island Colony. Picture Credit: features_hutchison.html
Life in the Colonies l The Puritans had their own laws for Courtship. Courtship.
Middle Colonies l The Middle colonies included: l New York (NY), New Jersey (NJ), Delaware (DE), l and Pennsylvania (PA). Picture Credit: NY NJ DE PA
Climate l Good farming land (grains) Livestock, rivers and hills. Harbors. Picture Credit: Lan_Farm_Trust.htm
People Groups l People came from Germany, Scotland & Ireland. l -Quakers (plain living, peaceful, against slavery and dancing) l -Germans (Pennsylvania Dutch, skilled workers and loved music). l -Scotch-Irish farmed and hunted. Picture Credit: celtic.html
Interesting Facts about Middle Colonies l -Called Breadbasket of Colonial America. The farmers raised a surplus so they could sell. l -Germans invented Pennsylvania rifle & Conestoga wagon. l -Philadelphia means brotherly love. Picture Credit: nmah/carriage.htm
Dutch Settlement l 1609, the English explorer, Henry Hudson, in the l employ of the Dutch, claimed territory in America l for the Netherlands l The colony of New Netherland and its principal l town, New Amsterdam, on Manhattan Island. l English resented Dutch presence in America l – 1664, the English navy put in at New Amsterdam, and l the colony was surrendered to the British l 1673, the Dutch reconquered the colony, lost it l again, for good, in l English renamed the colony New York
William Penn l -William Penn owned Pennsylvania and made it a place for religious freedom. Picture Credit:
Quakers l Quakers rejected the concept of predestination and l original sin. l – Believed all people could attain salvation. l Quakers granted women a position within the l church generally equal to that of men. l – could become preachers and define church doctrine l Had no church government l Had no church buildings, only meeting houses l Had no paid clergy l Refused to take oaths. l Were pacifists.
The Quaker Colony l Pennsylvania was born out of the efforts of The l Society of Friends to find a home l William Penn, the son of a British admiral, and a l landlord of Irish estates, was the patron l – Converted to Quakerism, Penn became an evangelist, l was sent repeatedly to prison, and became convinced of l the need of a Quaker colony l In 1681, after the death of his father, he inherited l his father’s lands and also his father's claim to a l large debt from the king. l – Charles II paid the debt with a grant of territory l Penn was both landlord and ruler of the colony
Southern Colonies The Southern Colonies included: Maryland (MD), Virginia (VA), North Carolina (NC), South Carolina (SC), and Georgia (GA). MD VA NC SC GA
Southern Colonies Climate l Rich land, plenty of rain & a long growing season. Coastal plains, swamps, forests, harbors. Picture Credit: cogent/gallery.htm
People Groups l -Maryland was a safe place for Roman Catholics. l -South Carolina settled by French. l -Georgia founded by Oglethorpe for new start for debtors in England. Picture Credit: bhand/usergroups.html
Interesting Facts about Southern Colonies l -Planters’ duties to see that crops were planted, records kept, took care of everyone. l -Slavery was necessary for Southern plantation. l The cash crop for Virginia was Tobacco. Picture Credit: website.htm
Georgia l Last English colony on the mainland of the future US, l founded by James Oglethorpe in l Oglethorpe wanted to: l – erect a military barrier against Spanish Florida l – provide a refuge for English debtors l Oglethorpe’s Georgia had many rules: l Small landholdings l – Blacks, free or slave, were excluded l – Trade with the Indians was strictly regulated l – Catholics excluded l Rules stifled Georgia’s development. l – Settlers began demanding the right to acquire land and slaves l By 1752, restrictions were removed and trustees l returned control of the colony to the king
The Carolinas l Charles II awarded the territory to eight favorites l Fundamental Constitution for Carolina (1669) l – divided the Carolina territory into two counties l Northern and southern regions were socially and l economically distinct from one another l – Northern settlers were mainly backcountry farmers l many of German or Scots- Irish descent l subsistence farmers, with some cash crop agriculture l livestock, corn, naval stores, tobacco dominated the economy l – In the south, an aristocratic society developed l Emigrants from Barbados who est. a plantation system l Rice emerged as the driving force of the SC economy l – success of rice dependant upon swampy lowlands and slaves l 1729, king divided the region