O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 1 Mapping for IOF events
O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 2 WOCs
O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 3 There are needs in IOF to standardize not only the competition rules, but the terrains too. To give chance to non-Scandinavian countries it is necessary that the local organizers understand the importance of this factor. Don’t choose the most difficult, most extreme terrain of the country for the WOC. Give equal chance to each participant. According to Leibnitz convention (IOF Congress, 2000) we have to go closer to the public. Media-friendly areas are mostly not the best terrains of the country. The first step: select the terrains
O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 4 Organization LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Director of competitions Technical director Director of mapping IOF EA National Controller Mapping groups
O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 5 Director of mapping O-mapping expert, cartographer or manager? Employee or volunteer? Only control / manage or mapping too? How to make decisions: alone or together? Responsibility: rights and duties.
O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 6 How to select o-mappers? (1) The answer is depending on how many local mappers are ready to work: 1.If you don’t have enough experienced mapper: if you have enough time, try to train or motivate the potential mappers,if you have enough time, try to train or motivate the potential mappers, invite foreign mappers,invite foreign mappers, try to re-organize the work, give the chance for the local professionals to map in a full-time job.try to re-organize the work, give the chance for the local professionals to map in a full-time job. 2.If you have enough experienced mapper: application,application, personal decision.personal decision.
O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 7 How to select o-mappers? (2) Application: the ideal process. 1.Choose a sample area. 2.Ask the applicants to survey the area using the same kind of base map for each of them. Don’t forget to specify a relatively tight deadline. 3.Print the results. 4.Ask top orienteers (locals and foreigners) and group of experienced mappers simultaneously to judge the maps. 5.Make the final decision.
O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 8 How to select o-mappers? (3)
O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 9 Planning the mapping process (1) Choose the competition areas: finish, start, the main direction of courses (IOF event adviser).Choose the competition areas: finish, start, the main direction of courses (IOF event adviser). Calculate the mapping time taking into account the suitable seasons. Define the deadlines.Calculate the mapping time taking into account the suitable seasons. Define the deadlines. Don’t forget the reserve areas (forest fire, other kind of disasters).Don’t forget the reserve areas (forest fire, other kind of disasters). Continuous control (qualitative and quantitative) is essential. Don’t believe the progression, check it!Continuous control (qualitative and quantitative) is essential. Don’t believe the progression, check it! Ask alternative mappers to be ready to substitute improper mappers.Ask alternative mappers to be ready to substitute improper mappers.
O-Map Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, October-November 2006 Instructors: László Zentai (HUN), Flemming Hjorth Jensen (DEN) 10 Planning the mapping process (2) Make the mapping quality homogeneous:Make the mapping quality homogeneous: The same interpretation of featuresThe same interpretation of features The same generalization levelThe same generalization level Discard personal intentionDiscard personal intention Use ISOM2000 as a code.Use ISOM2000 as a code. Think globally (international level), not national level!