Please Do Now: 1) What is a yield (in terms of farming)? 2) What are the 4 things we discussed that decrease farmer’s yields?
Agenda Do Now Finish Food Inc. Conventional vs. Organic Farming Exam questions we MUST go over
What would you buy? Conventional Organic Bananas: $0.89/lb Apples: $1.49/lb Peanut Butter: $3.99/32 oz Cocco Puffs: $4.99/box Chips: $1.99/ 32 oz Aunt Jemima Maple Syrup: $5.99/20 oz Iceberg Lettuce: $1.59/head Eggs: $2.99/dozen Bananas: $3.00/lb Apples: $3.49/lb Peanut Butter: $9.99/20 oz Organic Cereal: $11.99/box Chips: $5.99/32 oz Real Maple Syrup: $13.99/20 oz Baby Spinach: $5.99/bag Eggs: $5.99 dozen
Remember We are comparing organic farming and conventional farming as black and white different styles, but real farming can (and does) take place on a continuum between these two extremes
Notes for today I would setup up your notes like this (there will be a slide for each box): Use a whole page ConventionalOrganic Pests Weeds Drought Nutrients
Water Management: Conventional Irrigate Lots of runoff (wasted water) Sometimes center pivot sprinklers Inefficient use of water
Water Management: Organic Irrigate Use drought tolerant varieties Sometimes drip irrigation More efficient Slower growth of crops Lots of maintenance
Pest Management: Conventional Usually synthetic chemical pesticides that kill bugs Pesticides end up in water and on food Bad for the person spraying them, the consumer if they eat them, and the environment
Pest Management: Organic Crop rotation Not monocultures Naturally derived pesticides Biological Controls (release predators of the bugs attacking crops) Lots of work, lots of money
Weed Management: Conventional Spraying of synthetic herbicides to kill weeds “Roundup Ready” GE crops Herbicides end up in water, food, and environment Bad for the person spraying them, the consumer if they eat them, and the environment
Weed Management: Organic Weed by hand Massive man hours and cost to do this “cover crops” Just live with the lower yields weeds result in
Nutrient Limitation: Conventional Chemical Fertilizers, made with fossil fuels Tons of nutrients are made this way Released all at once on to the fields, the crops only get some of them The rest run off as pollution
Nutrient Limitation: Organic Organic Fertilizers (manure, compost) Crop rotation Lots more work, less nutrients for the plants Release nutrients to the plant slowly and steadily
Summarize Organic food is more expensive than conventional food. This is mostly because ____________ ______________________.
Summarize Organic food is more expensive than conventional food. This is mostly because growing food organically requires a lot more work.
What is the plant growth hormone called? Estrogen Testosterone Auxin Glucose
What is the plant growth hormone called? Estrogen Testosterone Auxin Glucose
In plants, what are flowers used for? To photosynthesize To reproduce sexually To store energy To reproduce asexually
In plants, what are flowers used for? To photosynthesize To reproduce sexually To store energy To reproduce asexually
At the cellular level what is the cell wall responsible for in plants? Performing photosynthesis Generating ATP Keeping moisture inside the cell Keeping the cell rigid
At the cellular level what is the cell wall responsible for in plants? Performing photosynthesis Generating ATP Keeping moisture inside the cell Keeping the cell rigid
When salt water from the ocean is blown inland during a hurricane, it often kills many of the trees in the area. What force does the salt disrupt that affects the health of the plant? Cohesion Osmosis Photosynthesis Infection
When salt water from the ocean is blown inland during a hurricane, it often kills many of the trees in the area. What force does the salt disrupt that affects the health of the plant? Cohesion Osmosis Photosynthesis Infection
What is the most important molecules that enters the leaf via the stomata? Water Glucose Carbon dioxide ATP
What is the most important molecules that enters the leaf via the stomata? Water Glucose Carbon dioxide ATP
Guard Cells maintain the balance between Sunlight captured and water uptake Carbon dioxide uptake and water uptake Oxygen uptake and water loss Carbon dioxide uptake and water loss
Guard Cells maintain the balance between Sunlight captured and water uptake Carbon dioxide uptake and water uptake Oxygen uptake and water loss Carbon dioxide uptake and water loss
The primary cell wall of all plants is made up mostly of fibers of what mocule? ATP Cellulose Chlorophyll Pectin
The primary cell wall of all plants is made up mostly of fibers of what mocule? ATP Cellulose Chlorophyll Pectin
If you were to add extra carbon dioxide to a plant’s environment, what effect would this have on photosynthesis? The amount of sugars produced would increase The amount of sugar produced would decrease The amount of water produced would increase The amount of glucose used would decrease
If you were to add extra carbon dioxide to a plant’s environment, what effect would this have on photosynthesis? The amount of sugars produced would increase The amount of sugar produced would decrease The amount of water produced would increase The amount of glucose used would decrease
In what layer of the leaf does the majority of photosynthesis take place? The palisade mesophyll The upper epidermis The cuticle The spongy mesophyll
In what layer of the leaf does the majority of photosynthesis take place? The palisade mesophyll The upper epidermis The cuticle The spongy mesophyll
What is the function of the endosperm in plant seeds? To grow into the leaves To store nutrients and energy To store genetic information To protect the seed
What is the function of the endosperm in plant seeds? To grow into the leaves To store nutrients and energy To store genetic information To protect the seed
What role does fruit play in seed dispersal? To protect the seed To provide water for the seed upon germination To ensure the seed gets eaten by an animal that will disperse it To shade the seed from the sun before it germinates
What role does fruit play in seed dispersal? To protect the seed To provide water for the seed upon germination To ensure the seed gets eaten by an animal that will disperse it To shade the seed from the sun before it germinates
What is the most important function of leaves in plants?
To perform photosynthesis
Explain how the two halves of photosynthesis, the light dependent reactions and the light independent reactions (AKA the Calvin Cycle), are tied together
The light dependent reactions produce ATP and NADPH, which powers the Calvin cycle.
Venn Diagram Separate sheet of paper please! Organic Conventional