How to write an AP Psych Essay
You will have 50 minutes to write two essays. There is no “reading time.” You will not know ahead of time how many points each essay will be worth (lately each essay is worth 7-10 points although they can be worth more or less). The essays are worth roughly 1/3 of your AP Psych grade What happens on the test?
Types of Essays That we Have Seen Before Design or analyze an experiment Application of terms to a specific scenario How terms relate to each other or to the concept of time
Important note: These essays are what we refer to as being “technical writing”. This means that you are writing specifically about the content and no points are awarded for how well the essay is constructed. Introductions and Conclusions are strongly discouraged and you are not rewarded on any level for writing them.
A. Annabelle is planning to apply to college but has not yet decided where she will apply. Describe how the following psychological concepts and terms relate to her choice. Availability heuristic Compliance Prefrontal cortex Prospective memory B. Explain how the following psychological concepts could relate to how well Annabelle adapts when she begins her college career. Agoraphobia Crystallized intelligence Ethnocentrism Sample Essay
Defining the term is not planning You CAN define the term but we want to see the example You will get 5 points on essays for your planning Write it on the essay prompt!! Not on the essay paper. PLAN
Must write in complete sentences. Put each point in a separate paragraph. DO NOT WRITE AN INTRODUCTION OR CONCLUSION. You also DO NOT need to restate the question in your essay. Must use a blue or black pen and write LEGIBLY. Do not write in outline format. FORMAT
Support with textbook examples or scenarios. Do not talk about personal stories like your grandma. Only use AP Psych terminology, not Oprah terms. Keep it simple! Only write about the essay and the example. Do not additional information. It does not get you extra points. Do not contradict yourself! If you end up contradicting yourself you will lose the point. Do not use the term to define the term without clarification. Example: Social inhibition is when you are inhibited socially. USE THE TERM in the sentence. You can’t receive credit if you do not identify what you are talking about CONTENT