Week 3
Divide and Conquer…Word Spokes Day 1 Brainstorm words containing the word part “de”. Add additional spokes as needed. Where have you seen these words?
Record the word part and its meaning in your personal journal. Day 1 de means “opposite or away from”
Day 2 –Combine and Create Brainstorm with a partner how these words connect to the meaning of the word part “de”. descent decode destroy deform decrease
Day 2 – Vocabulary Boxes WordDefinition Word like itPicture or example Students will create a text box for each vocabulary word.
Day 3: Words and Meanings Descent: the act, process, or fact of moving from a higher to a lower position Decode: to translate or extract the meaning from Destroy: to reduce to useless fragments or to put an end to Deform: to change the form of Decrease: to make or cause to lessen
Day 3: Using the words Write a 1 page story using at least 3 of the following words. Your story can be fiction or nonfiction. Descent Decode Destroy Deform Decrease
Day 4 – Combine & Create 1.Using the word part “de” which means “away from or opposite”, make up your own word. 2.Include a definition for the word. 3.Use the new word in a sentence. 4.Be ready to share the new word! EXAMPLE WORD: – (v)Debus: to reduce the amount of students on a bus. EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The students were asked to debus when we arrived at the school.
Day 5: Illustrate the word Choose one of the 5 words that we have covered in class and draw that word. Make sure it is colorful Be prepared to share your picture!