Communities of Excellence 3 A Blueprint for Community Action Valerie Quinn, M.Ed. Cancer Prevention & Nutrition Section California Department of Health Services APHA, December 2005
Picture of traffic, sprawl
Food deserts FOOD DESERTS
Role for Public Health Provide data Convene interested parties Conduct needs assessments & evaluation Educate public Advocate for specific policy and environmental change Policy and Environmental Change: New Directions for Public Health, ASTDHPPHE & CDC, 2001
Technology Transfer
Built environment Healthy foods Physical activity Reduce TV viewing Reduce hunger/food insecurity Breastfeeding Health care
CX 3 Defined A planning model that involves assessing communities in relation to a variety of obesity prevention benchmarks known as community indicators and assets. 3 = nutrition, physical activity and obesity prevention Standardized indicators & assets – big plus!
Key Vision
CX 3 Goal Empower communities!!! Assess a community’s strengths, assets, gaps & weaknesses Set priorities based on data Strategic local data-driven action plans Broaden participation Evaluate progress
Indicators & Assets Community Indicators Specific, observable characteristics of a community’s environments & norms. Example “Supermarkets and grocery stores offering healthy, affordable food choices are located in low-income neighborhoods and readily accessible to residents.”
Indicators & Assets Assets A community’s “readiness” for addressing policy and environmental change. Example “Extent of local officials who advocate for local government action to promote environments that support healthy eating… “
Creating CX 3 Gather all possible indicators & assets. Refine. Total: 151 Indicators 44 Assets
Creating CX 3 Indicators organized in 6 Community Environments: Neighborhood Preschool School After-school Worksite Government Assets organized into: Health department infrastructure Political will Community infrastructure
Creating CX 3
Creating CX 3 -- Cont.
CX 3 Top Picks Community Indicators Neighborhood: 12 indicators (42 total) Preschool: 5 indicators (14 total) School: XX indicators (45 total) After-school: 6 indicators (11 total) Worksite: 6 indicators (20 total) Government: 4 indicators (19 total) Community Assets Local Health Dept. Infrastructure: 3 assets (14 total) Political Will: 3 assets (10 total) Community Infrastructure: 11 assets (20 total)
CX 3 Focus Neighborhood Environment Supermarkets in low income neighborhoods If not, do small neighborhood stores offer healthy food? Transportation available CA 5 a Day program Nutrition info provided Limit unhealthy advertising & displays aimed at kids Food banks provide healthy food Farmers’ markets accept EBT cards Alternative sources of health food available Density of FF outlets restricted Outdoor “unhealthy” advertising restricted Neighborhoods safe and walk-able
CX 3 Focus – Cont. Community Assets: Local Health Department Infrastructure Obesity prevention… formal or expressed dept priority (Report Card) Actively develops collaborative relationships Dedicated staff with expertise Political Will Local elected officials supportive Extent of supportive media coverage State/federal elected officials supportive
CX 3 – What’s Next? 1. Assessment tools; strategies outlined Start: Focus within Neighborhood, Local Health Dept, Political Will Eventually -- all Top Picks in all environments
CX 3 – What’s Next? 1. Assessment tools; strategies outlined 2. Pilot Projects test tools
CX 3 – What’s Next? 1. Assessment tools; strategies outlined 2. Pilot Projects 3. Materials/training provided & implemented by local health departments and others
CX 3 – What’s Next? 1. Assessment tools; strategies outlined 2. Pilot Projects 3. Implemented by local health departments and others 4. Breastfeeding indicators and WIC assets coming soon
Benefits to Participation Advances local policy change – Proven! Puts local groups at forefront for obesity prevention Gives standardized indicators for ALL types of work in obesity prevention Appealing to funders
Challenges – so far… Dynamic environment – build to grow Growing research base + limitations Narrowing the “Top Picks” Funding changes ID instruments – practical for local level, limited resources
Change the environment, do not try to change the person. Buckminister Fuller, architect, engineer, mathematician, poet and cosmologist.
For more information List of Top Picks, etc.: Valerie Quinn