Chapter 13 ~~~~~ Transition Assessment: Across the Ages
2 Transition Planning (1) Assessment (1) Assessment Determine demands of the new environment Determine demands of the new environment Student’s ability to deal with new environment Student’s ability to deal with new environment (2) Planning (2) Planning Plan for successful transition to new setting Plan for successful transition to new setting (3) Follow-through (3) Follow-through Implementation of the transition plan Implementation of the transition plan
3 Components of Assessment Early Childhood Early Childhood Cognitive ability Cognitive ability Communication skills Communication skills Social-emotional development Social-emotional development Physical functioning Physical functioning Adaptive skills Adaptive skills Secondary Secondary Cognitive ability Social-emotional adjustment Communication skills Academic functioning Physical stamina Adaptive behavior
4 Developmental Assessment Focuses on physical and psychological maturation Focuses on physical and psychological maturation Identifies individual strengths and weaknesses Identifies individual strengths and weaknesses Notes gaps in development – splinter skills Notes gaps in development – splinter skills Critical period – optimal learning time/teachable moments Critical period – optimal learning time/teachable moments
5 Preschool to Elementary Assessment Procedures Authentic Assessment of Young Children Authentic Assessment of Young Children Observation in natural environment (kidwatching) Observation in natural environment (kidwatching) Self-evaluation Self-evaluation Play-based assessment Play-based assessment Arena assessment Arena assessment Portfolios Portfolios Curriculum-based assessment Curriculum-based assessment Specific skill checklist Specific skill checklist Video, audiotape, and photographic recordings Video, audiotape, and photographic recordings
6 Middle to Secondary School Year Assessment Person-centered Planning Assessment Person-centered Planning Assessment Situational Assessment Situational Assessment Interview Process Interview Process Work-Sample Analysis Work-Sample Analysis Career Assessment Career Assessment Work-sample Analysis Work-sample Analysis
7 Middle to Secondary Assessment-cont. Self-Determination Assessment Self-Determination Assessment Checklists and Rating Scales Checklists and Rating Scales Performance Assessment Performance Assessment Portfolios Portfolios Curriculum-based Vocational Assessment Curriculum-based Vocational Assessment