Child’s World-Today’s activities 1.Either finish your journal from preschool on Wednesday or get one started. You only need to fill out four of the seven categories on the journal sheet. These should be turned into the mail box. 2.Do the multiple intelligences assignment attached.
Multiple Intelligences Applied Your characters: The Teacher -concerned that her student is developing school phobia because she doesn’t think she can do anything right, especially reading and math The frustrated student -She really struggles with math, but she is good at art, music, and making friends The shy student -She is great at math but has no friends
You will only have one in-class day to do this assignment. This will go in as an assessment grade. You may work with one or two other people, but you must turn in your own paper. This writing assignment is due today If you get done early, you should see what you can do to enhance your paper.
The Scenario You have begun to suspect that one of your students sees herself as “dumb”. She is struggling with math and reading. Lately she has begun either crying or withdrawing every time the subject comes up. She frequently claims, “I can’t do it!” You become concerned that she is starting to see her whole school success based on how well she does in math and reading. What are you going to do to help this child see herself as a successful student?
Paragraph 1 introduce the concept of multiple intelligences. Express your concern. You have observed that this girl is an awesome artist, has a beautiful singing voice and an amazing sense of rhythm, and quickly makes friends with many children
Paragraph 2 discuss how you could bring in the concepts of rhythm and song to help the child with math. How could drawing help a child with math (think illustrating)
Paragraph 3 discuss how you could bring in the concepts of song to help the child with her reading skills. (songs as books?) Discuss how you could bring in the concepts of art to help the child with her reading skills. (make her own illustrations of the stories?)
Paragraph 4 discuss how, because of her social skills, you can pair the child with another student who is feeling success in reading and math, but maybe needs help making friends. This will be a benefit to both children.
Paragraph 5 draw conclusions about the value of seeing the whole child. It should help the reader understand that, while the child is feeling unsuccessful in reading and math, she can improve. There is always hope for children to learn as long as the educator recognizes that each child needs to be treated individually according to his/her needs.