Fuels and Powertrain Hybrid Commercial Vehicle Next generation parallel hybrid vehicle for commercial applications Motivation and Objectives The evolving emission legislation and the increasing fuel prices accompanied by a global CO 2 emission reduction discussion represent an extremely challenging demand for research and development. Known improvement measures of pollutant emissions usually come along with deterioration of engine efficiency and vice versa, e.g. the NO x /fuel economy trade-off is well known for diesel engines. With this background, the hybrid electric vehicle is an excellent option for simultaneous reduction of fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Research efforts are needed to develop high-efficient hybrid systems including hybrid components such as the energy storage system, the electric machine, power electronics and electric auxiliaries. Cost is today considered as a major obstacle for market introduction of hybrid technologies in commercial vehicles. Project Plan, Milestones and Deliverables Technical Approach The project consists of four main clusters of activities: Early 2 nd generation vehicles will be used by OEM’s and one fleet operator in real city environments in Europe and in rig tests (chassis dynamometer) together with non-hybrid reference vehicles. The presence of the hybrid vehicles will be utilised for communicating with customers such as fleet owners and create public awareness of hybrid technology in commercial transports.. Market obstacles for hybrid vehicles will be assembled and categorised through customer questionnaires and interviews (in the Hybrid User Forum). Common components, functionalities and communication standards will be developed for the energy storage system and auxiliaries used in the two 2 nd generation hybrid demonstrators. Auxiliaries and energy supply will be optimised from an energy flow point of view. These activities will be carried out by suppliers and research institutes in collaboration with the OEM’s that should utilise the technology. Two advanced 2 nd generation hybrid demonstrators – one 18-ton city bus and one 6-ton distributor truck – will be developed and validated. The demonstrator vehicles will be tested in rigs (chassis dynamometer) and in real traffic. For the 18-ton bus, the demonstrator will be assessed by a large European bus traffic operator. Relative product cost data, performance data (fuel consumption, noise, toxic emissions) and drivability data will quantified. The results from the demonstrators will be used in order to assess how well market obstacles have been addressed by the 2 nd generation hybrid vehicles. This work will be done in close collaboration between the bus traffic operator and the four OEMs. Organisational Information Budget17.6 M€F unding9.9 M € Duration48 monthsStartJanuary 2010 DG / UnitResearch / H4 - SSTContract n°SCP CoordinatorSara Erkfeldt, Partners: VOLVO, ALTRA, AIT, AVL, BOSCH, CERTH, CRF, DAF, KOLLMORGEN, DIMAC RED, ENEA, IVECO, MAGNA, Univ. Pisa, IDMEC, SOLARIS, TNO, VEOLIA Website: Achievements Tests and demonstrations of early 2 nd generation hybrid vehicles completed. Electrical and abuse testing on energy storage cells (Li- ion and super capacitor) performed. Simulation activities performed, showing big potentials in terms of fuel consumption reduction. Hybrid User Forum up and running. Two workshops held (May 2011 and 2012). Early 2 nd gen. vehicles Demonstration & market evaluation Subsystem development Auxiliaries, Energy storage, e-drive Demonstrator vehicles Development & Demonstration Obstacles for market introduction Analysis