61. The total opportunity cost of moving from combination E to B is A) 3 units of capital goods B) 9 units of consumer goods C) 10 units of consumer goods D) There is no opportunity cost E) 4 unit of capital goods 62. A total output of 3 units of capital goods and 4 units of consumer goods: A) is unattainable given current resources. B) will result in the maximum rate of growth. C) would involve an inefficient use of resources. D) would be efficient in the economy. E) would lead to the overproduction of consumer goods
63. A production possibilities curve shows: A) combinations of capital and labor necessary to produce specific levels of output. B) that people demand more of some goods C) the maximum amounts of two goods that can be produced assuming the full employment of resources D) that resources are unlimited. 64. Which of the following will NOT produce an outward/rightward shift of the production possibilities curve? A) an improvement in the quality of a nation's human capital and technological knowledge B) a decrease in unemployment C) an increase in the quantity of a society's labor force D) the increase in the number society’s resources
65. Other things equal, this economy will achieve the most rapid rate of growth if: A) the ratio of capital to consumer goods is minimized. B) it chooses point C. C) it chooses point B. D) it chooses point A. E)it chooses point D. 66. Which point(s) demonstrates productive efficiency? A) Point B B) Point E C) Points A and B D) Points A, B, and C E) Points D