Objective: Describe the humanistic perspective in terms of Maslow’s focus on self-actualization and Rogers’ BR: List 3 things that you want! EQ: What is personality?
Humanistic Psychology (fulfill needs) Two Names Abraham Maslow Carl rogers
Abraham Maslow Personality is shaped by achieving Self Actualization! Self Actualization- Achieving one’s full potential How do you achieve self actualization? Must meet these needs in order! Full-fill each need..you can then meet the next..till you finally become self actualized! Physiological, Security, safety, love,esteem, self actualization
Carl Rogers ALSO BELIEVED IN SELF ACTUALIZATION! You achieve it with relationships from others! People are generally good! Others must show you Unconditional Positive Regard Unconditional Positive Regard- attitude of total acceptance regardless of failure This improves your self concept (all thoughts and feelings about ourself) Positive world=positive self concept. Allows you to achieve self actualization!.
(Exit Slip) 1) Explain the development of the main character's personality according to Maslow and Rogers. Use key terms (self actualization, Self Concept, Unconditional Positive Regard)