PO Box 756, Masterton
NGATI KAHUNGUNU KI WAIRARAPA – TAMAKI NUI A RUA TRUST Post Settlement Governance Entity Consultation November 2015
STRUCTURE OF PRESENTATION Process Issue One: Hapu Karanga Representation Issue Two: Corporate Trustee Structure Issue Three: Subsidiary Structure Issue Four: Appointment of Chairperson Issue Five: Transfer of Mandate Issue Six: Map of [x] Hapu Karanga Other Issues
PROCESS August-September 2014: First consultation round March 2015: Second consultation round April – November 2015: Draft Trust Deed prepared November-December 2015: Third consultation round January-March 2016 (approx): Draft Trust Deed amended then reviewed by Crown April-May 2016 (approx): Ratification Process
HAPU KARANGA REPRESENTATION The Trustees propose that representation on the PSGE be on the basis of the existing Hapu Karanga with two changes: – Te Hika a Papauma Hapu Karanga will become Te Hika a Papauma ki Whakataki Marae Hapu Karanga and its boundary will change to reflect this – Tamaki-Nui-a-Rua boundary will also change to be consistent with the Taiwhenua boundary Do you agree?
CORPORATE TRUSTEE The Trustees propose that the PSGE Structure be a private trust with a corporate trustee – The directors and shareholders of the corporate trustee will be elected by the Hapu Karanga for three year terms – Their shareholding will automatically transfer when their term ends – This structure is easier to administer Do you agree?
SUBSIDIARY STRUCTURE The Trustees propose that the PSGE Structure be a private trust with: – A commercial subsidiary or subsidiaries to manage and grow the putea for the benefit of all members of NKKWTNAR – Two iwi development subsidiaries: one for Tamaki-Nui-a- Rua and one for Wairarapa to deliver benefits to iwi members in each part of the rohe Do you agree?
The Trustees propose that the Chairperson be elected by the other Hapu Karanga Representatives and for the second highest polling candidate for that Hapu Karanga to then step in to be its Hapu Karanga Representative This means that the Chairperson will not also represent a specific Hapu Karanga Do you agree? APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRPERSON
TRANSFER OF MANDATE The Trustees propose that the mandate to negotiate for the settlement of the NKKWTNAR Historical Treaty of Waitangi Claims transfer from the existing Trust to the PSGE Do you agree?
OTHER ISSUES The Trustees are also giving consideration to specific provisions in the Trust Deed regarding marae restoration and return of benefit to iwi members