Shakespeare’s Cosmology “No man is an island, entirely by itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” John Donne, Meditation 17
Cosmology cosmos- = the universe / -logy = the study of A person’s cosmology is how they view the universe. The way a person understands the beginning, growth, extent, and eventual fate of the universe effects they way they view people in the present tense. Why does the world run the way it does? How do all its pieces, including humankind, fit together?
P.S. We can only judge it after we understand it... One question to consider: Is hierarchy inherently bad? Hierarchy is one key to understanding Shakespeare’s cosmology. There is one basic division, which then becomes the foundation for other, smaller divisions. But God above Deal between thee and me! (Malcolm) Act IV, Scene 3
God King Human Nature If any one of these becomes disordered, everything below falls to pieces. Foul whisperings are abroad, unnatural deeds Do breed unnatural troubles; - Doctor (Act 5, Scene 1)
The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself. Your highness’ part Is to receive our duties; and our duties Are to your throne and state, - Macbeth (Act 1, Scene 4)
Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe top-fill Of direst cruelty. - Lady Macbeth (Act 1, Scene 5)
He’s here in double trust First, as I am his kinsman and his subject Strong both against the deed - Macbeth (Act 1, Scene 7)
‘Tis unnatural Even like the deed that’s done. On Tuesday last, A falcon towering in her pride of place Was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed. - Old Man (Act 2, Scene 4)