Ultra-wideband (UWB) Signals for Communications and Localization Sinan Gezici Assistant Professor Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. Bilkent University gezici@ee.bilkent.edu.tr
Ultra-wideband (UWB) Definition (Absolute) bandwidth ≥ 500 MHz Babs = fH– fL Fractional bandwidth ≥ 0.2 Bfrac = (fH– fL) / fC ≥ 0.2
Regulations for UWB FCC in the US allows transmission in 3.1-10.6 GHz band Coexists with incumbent systems Low power spectral density (-41.3 dBm/MHz) Large spreading factors UWB
UWB Signals 3 common signaling formats: OFDM UWB DS-CDMA UWB Impulse radio (IR) UWB A train of short duration (sub-nanosecond) pulses with a low duty cycle One information symbol
Advantages of UWB (1/2) High data rate: Large bandwidth increases capacity For AWGN channels Low power/cost: Simple transceiver architectures with low power consumption are possible
Advantages of UWB (2/2) Precise position estimation (localization): High time resolution Radar Transceiver Object Time=T1 Transmitted Signal Time=T2 Reflected Signal Device Object 15 m Range = 0.5(T2-T1)c c : Speed of light Penetration through obstacles: Large frequency band facilitates penetration through objects Low probability of detection: Similar to white noise for other systems http://www.radarvision.com
Applications (1/2) Communications High data rate: e.g. wireless USB, WPAN Low data rate: IEEE 802.15.4a, wireless sensor networks http://www.soumu.go.jp
Applications (2/2) Radar and localization Other applications: [E. M. Staderini 2002] http://www.radarvision.com Other applications: e.g., thru-wall monitoring, rescue operations after an earthquake. Medical applications: e.g., non-invasive patient monitoring, respiration and heartbeat rate estimation