By, Nicole Tychi
Theme There was much corruption in national and state governments such as bribery and people taking advantage of others.
Illustration 1 During this time period there was much corruption This cartoon shows how the trusts influenced the senate
Illustration 2 This illustration shows kids playing at recess In the 1900’s states were working toward school attendance Free secondary education was now introduced
Illustration 3 With all of the corruption in the government this cartoon was the brighter side This is showing how people need to take the steps to get better
Illustration 4 William M. Tweed gained control of the “Tweed Ring” He managed to steal millions of dollars in city funds with kickbacks This illustration shows the city in major debt
Illustration 5 The McKinley tariff was very hard on farmers, immigrants, and factory workers It made it hard to buy and to sell goods
Person 1- Cleveland First democratic president since 1856 Elected president in 1884 Worked hard to increase efficiency Presidential succession act- established a line of succession to the presidency if the vice president dies
Person 2- Harrison Elected in 1888 over Cleveland, waved bloody shirt Disposed the surplus tariff McKinley Tariff of 1890 highest in country’s history Dried up revenue levy
Person 3- Ulysses s. Grant Grant was a good general but poor president Bad judgment of people James J. Fisk and Jay Gould stole millions His vice president accepted things with bribes
Major Point 1 President Garfield was assassinated in July of 1881 He was shot entering a rail road station The assassination put the public against the spoil system
Major Point 2 Graded schools replaced one room school houses Free secondary education US reformed their fields of study for private colleges Courses in social and natural sciences now existed
Major Point 3- Political parties Democratic Looked back to civil war Depended on alliance of southerners and northern city machines Support of recent immigrants Republican Supported by western farmers and merchants, and eastern business people Old-immigrant protestants Problem: keep together eastern and western wings
Major Point 4 Pendleton act response to President Garfield's assassination applied to federal government jobs lock in their own appointees by converting their jobs to civil service
Major Point 5 McKinley Tariff rate for imports to the US at 48.4% protected manufacturing Hard on farmers forced to buy high-priced, protected products from American manufacturers