Science and Math Activities Created by: Mayra Garcia
Vocabulary Hypothesis Mathematical Vocabulary Mathematics Numerals Rebus Recipe Science Sensory Table
Encouraging Curiosity Definite advantage Appreciation Technology
Benefits Whole child Physical Development Emotional growth Social Development
Science Curriculum Nurturing Curiosity Hands-on Activities Increasing different abilities Encouraging and Stimulating
Learning Center One or Two Centers Table set and chairs Shelves Adequate Materials
Science Activities Make accurate observations Understandable Concepts Spark Interest
Cooking Activities Laboratory in itself Highly sensory experience Themes Follow cooking guidelines
Classroom Pets Taking Turns Caution Good Judgment
Learning with Plants Several Advantages Life Cycle Nature walks
Math Curriculum Fluency True Understanding 8 Goals
Math Activities Strengthen abstract thinking Themes
Recognizing Shapes Infancy Building Skills Encouragement Supply adequate activities
Sorting Matching Classifying Similarities Differences
Seriation Size relationships Comparisons
Counting Rational counting Recognizing numerals Ordering Numerals
The Teacher’s Role Independence Fresh approach Teachable moments
Integrating Subjects Strong Link Relation Appreciation in return
Activity Links Matching Vocabulary Math and Science Activities Chapter 23 TEST Screen Name: MayraD77 Password: Lenny77