RASPBERRIES o Raspberry bushes spread easily and can take over gardens if left unchecked. o The flower can be a major nectar source for honeybees and other pollinators. o The fruit is harvested when it comes off the receptacle easily and has turned a deep color.
Raspberries The most common raspberries are red but they are also found in black, purple, orange, yellow and white. All varieties are similar in taste and texture. Raspberries are an aggregate fruit made up of many seed containing drupelets arranged around a hollow cavity.
Raspberries are an excellent source of…. Vitamin C Fiber Manganese Antioxidants
Raspberries Most domestic raspberries are grown in California from June to October. Most imported raspberries come from Chili.
Raspberries Raspberries are the most delicate of all the berries and must be handled gently. Their shelf life is short. Therefore they should be consumed soon after purchase or frozen. Commercially, raspberries are used in puree, jam, juice or dried.
Raspberries Reference about Raspberries Children’s Literature about Raspberries Our Raspberry Jam (Rookie Readers) By David F. Marx The Raspberry Room By Allison Lohans Raspberry House Blues By Linda Holeman Raspberries! By Jay O’Callahan By Jay O’Callahan