CHIN 260 Introduction to Chinese Civilization Unit 3 Day 2: Chinese Language, script and dialects– discussion on key concepts and facts
Review: The key concept and fact list of Unit 2 lists/Unit 2.docx lists/Unit 2.docx Local file
Sharing Have you found any interesting materials related to Chinese language and dialects? Share them now.
General discussion questions 1. How many people speak Mandarin? Where are they? 2. What language family does Chinese belong to? 3. Is Chinese language a unique language? What are the varieties of Chinese? 4. What are typological characteristics of Chinese? 5. Give some examples to show the linguistic features of Chinese in terms of pronunciation, words and grammar.
Group work Four students form a group. Each group has one group leader, who will take notes for discussion. Alternate to be the group leader. If the discussion cannot be finished in class, continue after class using or google docs. The group leader sends the final list of key concepts and facts to I will combine all lists from groups and make the single final list. This list will be used for exams.
Major reading All groups use the same reading: Chinese Profile: gID=78&menu=004http:// gID=78&menu=004 Facts and Details d=125&catid=4&subcatid=16 Please alternate your group leader
Group work: Make a list of key concepts and facts Assignment for September 17, Unit 3 Chinese language, script and dialects: 1. Complete the list of key concepts and facts. Send this list to by/before September 2. Summary report 1: Choose one of topics from Unti 1-3 and write a 2 page summary report on one subtopic. Due September 24. a. The subtopic can be anything that you are interested. For example, explore one of the Chinese ethnic groups. Summarize this ethnic group’s history, culture and current situation, etc. b. Include the recourses (books, papers or articles) that you used for your writing at the end of the report. Provides links if it is a web page. c. Give your report an attractive title. d. Ideal length is 2 pages, do not exceed 3 pages (references are not included).