Community Informatics Summer School July 11, 2011 / Day 4 Recapping empirical research, analyzing our data, planning our public computing study
Agenda: Practicing research means combining theory and method 1.Recapitulating the D7 method and applying it to our class narratives and numbers: what are some findings? 2.Focus on D4 with assignment 1, the internet speed study 3.Based on assignment 1, planning for assignment 2, the public computing study
D7 method
First use of a computer among 35 Chinese students: D1/Definition General question was on our minds about the social origins of the Chinese netizens We formulated a specific question as part of getting to know the students: Under what conditions did the PKU CI2011 students become netizens?
First use of a computer among 35 Chinese students: D2/Data collection Write to our QQ group: “Tell a story about the first time you used a computer or digital tool” Add information to a spreadsheet –the year that happened –Your age –What tool –What setting
First use of a computer among 35 Chinese students: D3/Digitization Data was born digital Files and formats: –Qq and excel –‘Story’ and other fields Anonymizing the data –Obvious and not so Cleaning the data –Fix but do not overfix Create the metadata
First use anonymized.xls First use anonymized analysis.xls
First use: D4/Discovery. What is your data? Examine each field
Coding = creating fewer categories, to reveal answers to our questions Support: what institution provided the initial support to get you to the digital tool Location: what institution was it where you were first using this digital tool
Talk about this What do these two tables show? What does this tell us about the social origin of the netizens? –General question was on our minds about the social origins of the Chinese netizens –We formulated a specific question as part of getting to know the students: Under what conditions did the PKU CI2011 students become netizens?
Break time
Deeper into the data! Combine the numerical data with your own stories
Coding = creating fewer categories, to reveal answers to our questions Support: what institution provided the initial support to get you to the digital tool Location: what institution was it where you were first using this digital tool
Talk about this What do these two tables show? What does this tell us about the social origin of the netizens? –General question was on our minds about the social origins of the Chinese netizens –We formulated a specific question as part of getting to know the students: Under what conditions did the PKU CI2011 students become netizens?
Break time
Assignment 1: Space of Place and Space of Flows
Example of student analysis
Assignment 2 (D2) Location. What sites would you like to go back to for assignment 2? Why? (D1) What do you want to know about those sites? (D1-7) method as detailed in second handout on assignment 2. This handout is online.
Drawing on assignment 1 to make nominees for assignment 2 1.Peking Univ Library 2.Community Library in Chaoyang District 3.PKU PhD in Chanchunyue (?) Dormitory 4.National Library 5.PKU South Gate netcafe 6.National Science and Technology Library 1.Sindan??? Tienjin City Starbucks Café 2.Daxing District Library 3.Zhongguanchun Hot Pot? (computer store) 4.Govt??? Community center??? Netbar???
Assignment 2 sites & student teams 1 、汪江桦、周丽英、祝清松、王海燕 中国农业大学图书馆 2 、俞碧扬、周文杰、李婷婷、张雅男 朝阳区安贞街道社 区图书馆 3 、李然、武娇、于洁、易征宇 国家图书馆 4 、彭金芳 冯思颖 王婧 滕霞 大兴区图书馆 5 、韩红利、杨学婧、姚伟欣、杨振铎 科学院图书馆 6 、曹海霞、高巾、徐珍珍、袁旭 畅春新园博士宿舍 7 、张丽丽、陈秋婷、李丽、赵康 北京大学图书馆 8 、李萍、何颖芳、王素芳、张原瑞 西单星巴克咖啡 9 、张晓华、王日花、明飞、苏龙 北大南门当泽网吧
Assignment 2 sites 1.Library of China Agricultural University 2.An-Zhen Street Community Library in Chaoyang District 3.National Library of China 4.Da-Xing District Library 5.National Science Library of China 6.Chang-Chun Xinyuan dorm for doctoral students at PKU 7.Library of Peking University 8.Starbucks Coffee at Xi-dan 9.Dang-ze Cybercafe at the South Gate of PKU
Later today, all teams One hour meeting of your group 1-9 Discuss the reading Visit your site Begin to practice the four rules