Share with your tablemates how you spent your $100. After everyone has shared, have a discussion about the importance learners’ interests play in motivating learning. 3
With your tablemates, make a graphic organizer or concept map that depicts your definition of differentiation. Use chart paper and be creative—use SYMBOLS, color, words, etc. You will have 5 minutes. 4
Differentiated instruction is an approach to teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class. The intent of differentiating instruction is to maximize each student’s growth and individual success by meeting each student where he or she is, and assisting in the learning process.” 5
differentiation: the act of modifying content, process, product, and/or environment to meet your learners’ needs. 6
After hearing the definitions of differentiation, you may add SYMBOLS, color, words, etc. to complete your graphic organizer or concept map. Then prepare a 1 minute “elevator speech” explaining your organizer or map. 7
Passow’s test for a differentiated curriculum. He was one of the first educators to study the needs of intellectually gifted children. 11
The learner is our target The learner can be reached through … ◦ Readiness ◦ Interest ◦ Learning Styles 14
15 Turn to your elbow partner and discuss this question: What are some examples of using readiness, interest and learning styles to reach the learner?
In a differentiated classroom, teachers perceive the differences that make students unique, not to distinguish one as better or less than another, but to form instructional objectives that effectively match each student. Bertie Kingore 16
Dynamic Learning Environment ◦ Integrative Technology ◦ Learning and Interest Stations ◦ Flexible Grouping and Scheduling ◦ Safe and Supportive Community ◦ Challenging, Rigorous and Authentic Resources Why is the environment set as the base of the target? 17
Content ◦ Concepts ◦ Depth ◦ Complexity Process ◦ Abstract Thinking Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Product /Performance ◦ Communicate Understanding ◦ Create New Ideas Which is easiest for YOU to differentiate? Share your answer with your tablemates. 18
Compacting Tiered Instruction Acceleration Contracts Research and Independent Study 19 How do each of these strategies target the CONTENT in differentiation?
Bloom’s Taxonomy Problem Solving Problem Based Learning Thinking Skills 20 How do each of these strategies target the PROCESS in differentiation?
Open ended tasks Real World Applications Multiple modalities/ Product options 21 How do each of these strategies target PROCESS & PERFORMANCE in differentiation?
Pre-assessments Post Assessments Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Self-assessments Mandated Assessments 22 Have a brief table discussion about the following question: Why is ongoing assessment a continuous circle surrounding everything?
Differentiated instruction is an approach to teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class. The intent of differentiating instruction is to maximize each student’s growth and individual success by meeting each student where he or she is, and assisting in the learning process.” 24
differentiation: the act of modifying content, process, product, and/or environment to meet your learners’ needs. 25
Your table group may add SYMBOLS, color, words, etc. to complete your graphic organizer or concept map. AND/OR Discuss your organizer or map with your tablemates. 27
28 DIFFERENTIATION Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still. - Bertie Kingore
Differentiating instruction is important to my students’ success. Let’s work together to facilitate this process one step at a time. DIFFERENTIATION: SIMPLIFIED, REALISTIC, AND EFFECTIVE How to Challenge Advanced Potentials In Mixed Ability Classrooms Bertie Kilgore, Ph.D. 31
32 5 Strategies that impact differentiation 4 Thinking skills 3 Parts to curriculum compacting 2 Management strategies that impact differentiation 1 Advantage of flexible grouping
33 5 Strategies that impact differentiation 4 Thinking skills 3 Parts to curriculum compacting 2 Management strategies that impact differentiation 1 Advantage of flexible grouping
“Caring about the education of your students isn’t enough. Teachers need tools--- practical and effective strategies that we can use with confidence and success.” 34
Curriculum Compacting Flexible Grouping Learning Centers Open-Ended Tasks Preassessment Product Options Research and Independent Study Student as Producers Students’ Self Assessment Thinking and Inquiry Tiered Instruction 35
It’s Our Future! 40