EContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY COSMOS 4 th Project Meeting Shumen University Bulgaria COSMOS 4th Project meeting 18-19 March 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY COSMOS 4 th Project Meeting Shumen University Bulgaria COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY Shumen University was the last one to join the COSMOS consortium in March Since then we carried out a number of activities which we have presented in this presentation. COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY 1.Translation of Co-Design Cosmos. 2.We conducted a preliminary survey of the possible users. The Bulgarian users who have completed the questionnaire are 13.1 percent and take the third place after Austria and Great Britain. COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009 Activities

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY COSMOS 4th Project meeting March We made 100% translation of the key words and units of the science domains used in the COSMOS Portal % translation of the materials for Workshop Validation. Activities

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY By the 22.44% translation of the portal COSMOS Bulgaria is on the first place for this activity. COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY 4. The first workshop was held in Varna on 12 th September 2008 with 45 participants. The goals, tasks and possibilities of the project have been presented. As a result of the training the teachers acquired knowledge how to prepare materials. They are eager now to use the astronomical images, to participate in activities and initiatives of the project. COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009 Activities

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY The second workshop (Validating the pilots) was held in Shumen in November Activities COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY COSMOS WORKSHOP “Validating the pilots” Place of workshop: Place of workshop: Computer lab of Astronomical Center, Shumen University Participants: Participants: 11 teachers from Shumen, Pleven and Varna and 6 lecturers from Shumen UniversityAgenda 1.Presentation of the COSMOS Project Dr Dragomir Marchev 2.Presentation of an exemplary learning scenario “Motion of Charged Particles”, Guided Research Model Silvina Simeonova 3.Presentation of the COSMOS PORTAL (Registration, COSMOS Repository) Borislav Borisov 4.Presentation of the COSMOS PORTAL Tool Box (COSMOS Learning Activities, Authoring Tool, COSMOS Metadata Authoring Tool, RELOAD Learning Activities Viewer) Borislav Borisov 5.Working with the COSMOS Portal Software Borislav Borisov 6.Filling in the COSMOS Questionnaire (printed version) Dr Veselka Radeva 7.Filling in the COSMOS Online Questionnaire for feedback Dr Veselka Radeva 8.Interviewing some of the participants with COSMOS Interview Grid for Workshop leaders Dr Veselka Radeva COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY 6. Third workshop was held on March in Targoviste. COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009 Activities

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY COSMOS WORKSHOP “Presentation of the COSMOS portal” March Place of workshop: Place of workshop: Computer lab of Bisness Liceum in Targoviste Participants: Participants: 20 teachers from city Targoviste and its regionAgenda 1.Presentation of the COSMOS Project Dr Dragomir Marchev 2.Presentation of the different types of learning scenarios used in the COSMOS project prof Diana Kyurkchieva 3.Presentation of the COSMOS PORTAL (Registration, COSMOS Repository) Borislav Borisov 4.Presentation of the COSMOS PORTAL Tool Box (COSMOS Learning Activities Authoring Tool, COSMOS Metadata Authoring Tool, RELOAD Learning Activities Viewer) Borislav Borisov 5.Working with the COSMOS Portal Software Borislav Borisov 6.Filling in the COSMOS Questionnaire (printed version) prof Diana Kyurkchieva 7.Interviewing some of the participants with COSMOS Interview Grid for Workshop leaders prof Diana Kyurkchieva COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY 7. Our key person took active part in the discussed topics and gave useful suggestions for improving the design of the portal at the COSMOS 2nd Project meeting (March 2008, Bayreuth, Germany). 8. Two teachers from Shumen were trained to work with the software of the COSMOS Portal (October 2008, Ellinogernaniki Agogi, Greece). 9. Three representatives from the Bulgarian team took part in the COSMOS review meeting (December 2008, Athens, Greece). COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009 Activities

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY 10. We prepared and uploaded 8 different learning scenarios: - Motion of Charged Particles (Guided Research Model), Silvina Simeonova - Doppler Effect (Guided Research Model), Silvina Simeonova - Studying the laws of photoelectric effect (Guided Research Model), Aneta Marinova - Determining the eccentricity of elliptical galaxies (Inquiry Based Teaching), Veselka Radeva - Изучаване законите на фотоефекта (Guided Research Model), Анета Маринова - Грешката на Нютон или как да измерим скоростта на светлината във вода (Guided Research Model), Анета Маринова - Наблюдения на Луната и изследване на лунната повърхност (5E Instructional Model), Веселка Радева - Конструиране на звездната диаграмата „спектър-светимост” (5E Instructional Model), Веселка Радева COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009 Activities

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY 11. We prepared more than 50 Educational materials (presentations, photos, videos and URL addresses). 12. There were problems with the cyrillization of ASK- LOM-AT. They were discovered and overcame thanks to the efforts of our key person. 13. The project Cosmos was presented at the Bulgarian opening ceremony of the International Year of Astronomy on in Sofia as well as at the opening ceremony of the International Year of Astronomy on in the town of Shumen. COSMOS 4th Project meeting March 2009 Activities

eContentplus SHUMEN UNIVERSITY PLANNED FUTURE ACTIVITIES OF THE BULGARIAN TEAM OF THE COSMOS PROJECT 1. Carrying out 3 workshops (training courses) with teachers in Pleven, Yambol and Ruse. 2. Presentation of an invited report on the Cosmos project at the Annual National Conference of the Bulgarian Society of the Physicists ( , Ruse). 3. Presentation of the invited report on the Cosmos project at the Regional Conference of the Bulgarian Astronomical Society ( , Smolyan). 4. Preparation and uploading 30 new learning scenarios.