Raj Sandhi Clarissa Collakoppen Daniel Margarit
Canadian Blood Services Overview Role of Canadian Blood Services Current Marketing Activities Industry Comparison Recommendations For Additional Platforms “It’s In You To Give”
“ Canadian Blood Services is a not- for-profit, charitable organization whose sole mission is to manage the blood and blood products supply for Canadians.” Canadian Blood Services (2012)
Goals Recruit Donors through a series of informative advertisements Promote the importance of Blood Banks Action Plan TV Commercials, Radio Advertisements, Volunteers/Recruitment Kiosks, Online & Social Media Facilitate Provide safe, clean and consistent facilities for donors to comfortably give blood
Engage younger generations Interactive game-play on mobile phone Learn about Stem-cell research Build campaigns to attract donors Create a clinic Build-up Blood Bank – Save lives
News releases Updates about procedure changes Compelling donor stories Advice about donating Project Management Correspondence between clinics Word of Mouth Advertising
Find clinic locations on your mobile Clinic operating hours Locations, Dates and Times for Mobile Clinics Tips & Information for donors – Before and after giving blood
Celebrity endorsed video to promote blood donation Goal: Trevor Linden – Former Vancouver Canuck – Avid charity supporter – Ambassador for hockey, health and fitness
Promote with Facebook and Twitter platforms Mobile App to check for mobile clinics Procedure details, locations, dates, times
Clinic staff and volunteers suggest that donors, “like” CBS on Facebook and follow on Twitter Spreads online awareness within social circles