An American inventor and businessman. One of the important invention that brightens millions of houses and buildings. Thomas Alva Edison (1847 – 1931) An American inventor and businessman. He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.
Auguste and Louis Lumière They were the firstfilmmakers in history. They patented the cinematograph, which in contrast to Edison's "peepshow" kinetoscope allowed simultaneous viewing by multiple parties. L'Arroseur arrosé (also known as The Waterer Watered and The Sprinkler Sprinkled) is an 1895 French short black-and-whitesilent comedy film directed and produced by Louis Lumière and starring François Clerc and Benoît Duval. It was first screened on June 10, 1895.
James Watt (1736 –1819) A Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer whose improvements to the Newcomen steam engine were fundamental to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution in both his native Great Britain and the rest of the world.
Rudolf Diesel. The German engineer who invented the Diesel engine in 1897 and so began a transport revolution in cars, lorries and trains.
Alexander Graham Bell USA 1876 First patented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell and developed by many others, the telephone was the first device in history that enabled people to talk directly with each other across large distances. Telephones are widely used in different fields of our life and we even can’t imagine our life without this invention.
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1906 –1971) was an American inventor and television pioneer. Charles Francis Jenkins (1867-1934) was an American pioneer of early cinema and one of the inventors of television, though he used mechanical rather than electronic technologies.
1926 Scotland John Logie Baird (1888 – 1946) He was a Scottish engineer, innovator and inventor of the world's first mechanical television;[3] the first publicly demonstrated colour television system; and the first purely electronic colour television picture tube. Baird's early technological successes and his role in the practical introduction of broadcast television for home entertainment have earned him a prominent place in television's history.
1908 USA James Murray Spangler
Persy Spencer 1947 USA Percy Le Baron Spencer (1894-1970) A microwave oven, often colloquially shortened to microwave, is a kitchen appliance that heats food by bombarding it with electromagnetic radiation in the microwave spectrum causing polarized molecules in the food to rotate and build up thermal energy . Percy Le Baron Spencer (1894-1970) was an American engineer and inventor. He became known as the inventor of the microwave oven.
7. Automobile Do you know there are approximately 600 million passenger cars worldwide? That is roughly one car per eleven people! We all know how important they are in our life and it would be hard to imagine a world without them. An automobile, autocar, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run on roads, to have seating for one to eight people.
Carl Benz 1885 Germany
The first known artificial refrigeration was demonstrated by William Cullen at the University of Glasgow in 1748. The American inventor Oliver Evans, acclaimed as the "father of refrigeration," invented the vapor-compression refrigeration machine in 1805.
Alfred Bernhard Nobel Nobel invented dynamite in 1867, a substance easier and safer to handle than the more unstable nitroglycerin. Dynamite was patented in the US and the UK and was used extensively in mining and the building of transport networks internationally. In 1875 Nobel invented gelignite, more stable and powerful than dynamite, and in 1887 patented ballistite, a forerunner of cordite (still used as a rocket propellant). ( 1833 –1896) He was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator. Nobel was very educated: he knew six languages (Swedish, French, Russian, English, German and Italian) and wrote poems in English.
Guilelmo Marconi (1874 –1937) He was an Italian inventor, known for his pioneering work on long distance radio transmission and for his development of Marconi's law and a radio telegraph system. Marconi is often credited as the inventor of radio, and he shared the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl Ferdinand Braun "in recognition of their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy“.
Alexander Stepanovich Popov Alexander Popov 1895 Alexander Stepanovich Popov (1859 – 1906) He was a Russian physicist who is acclaimed in his homeland and eastern European countries as the inventor of radio. His work was based the work of other physicist such as Oliver Lodge and with the work of radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi.
Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov ( 1907 – 1966) was the lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer in the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1950s and 1960s. He is considered by many as the father of practical astronautics. 1957 Sputnik 3
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