Modernization of Europe Late 1800’s
Changes in England Economy shifts from farming to manufacturing (industry) New technologies allow for higher production of goods. Consequences: –Farmers lose land, food supply increases, living conditions improve, people move to cities to work in factories.
1. Industrialization Process of developing machine production of goods instead of by hand. –Textiles (cloth) : spinning jenny made bundles of thread 8 at a time. Flying shuttle for weaving cloth. Power loom used water to power the weaving process. –Transportation : Steam engine by James Watt power a vehicle. Canals built to move goods on water. Paved roads made of smooth rock and stones for drainage. Railroads to transport goods over long distances in short amounts of time. Impact: increase growth, cheap to transport, jobs, agriculture increases, commuting, vacations, suburbs
Clockwise from top left 1.Spinning Jenny 2.Power loom 3.Flying shuttle
Canals Steam Engine Transportation times RR in Europe
Effects of Modernization Working Conditions –Dangerous, dirty and unsafe, with harsh discipline –Workers won higher wages, shorter hours, better conditions Social Classes –Disparity of social classes –Increased standard of living, created new jobs Size of Cities –Urban areas doubled, people flocked to cities for work, specialization –Suburbs grew as people fled crowded cities Living Conditions –Lack of sanitation, housing, water, and social services, epidemics swept city: Cholera –Housing, diet, and clothing improved Prosperity took longer for workers Wealth of nations increased Inequality among nations Fostered technological progress & invention
2. Imperialism Because of the new technologies and expansion of industry, there was a need for countries to gain more resources. Many countries looked to Africa to gain raw materials that could be used in their country. The seizure of lands by a stronger country is known as imperialism.
Reasons for Imperialism Place of mystery and untapped resources as it was not explored like other lands. Countries wanted new markets and resources for their expanding economies. Believed that the whites were a superior race because other races did not have the technology and development that whites did. (Social Darwinism)
Impact on Africa European countries get together and determine the fate of Africans themselves. In the Berlin Conference, 14 European countries met to divide Africa. The Europeans did not consider the ethnic groups that already existed and ignored their social/cultural groups. Led to a variety of wars and battles as African people fight for their independence.
In this picture, you can see how African became almost entirely controlled by European countries during this time period.
Changes in Society Problems of Urbanization make people unhappy. Don’t like how society functions. –Leads to the development of new ways to organize and structure society to avoid these problems. Changes: –Unions - groups that speak for workers and negotiate with employers. –Reform Laws - improve child/women’s labor, hours, wages, conditions, etc. People also begin to think about how to restructure government and economy.
3. Government Ideas Jeremy Bentham - Utilitarianism –People should judge ideas on their usefulness and government should promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people. John Stuart Mill - Equality –Wanted more equality and cooperation. Did not support unregulated capitalism which would leave some people out.
Capitalism Adam Smith and Laissez faire - setting policies without interference from govt. Capitalism: economic system in which the factors of production are privately owned and money is invested in business ventures to make a profit. 3 natural laws of Capitalism –Law of self interest - work for own good –Law of competition - makes better products –Law of supply and demand - goods sold at low prices to meet demands of people
Socialism Contradicts capitalism –Businesses are owned by the public and should operate for the good of all people. –Government should end poverty and promote equality among all citizens. –Believe that capitalism allows a small few to gain all control (monopolies)
4. Nationalism Countries begin to develop feelings of nationalism after the Congress of Vienna. There are groups of people who develop a desire to organize and form their own countries. Leads to the unification of Germany and Italy (see PowerPoint on the Unification of these two countries.)