UNIT 4 The reproduction function Natural Science 2. Secondary Education CLASSIFYING PLANTS
UNIT 4 Classifying plants Click on each box to find out more SEEDLESS PLANTS GYMNOSPERMSANGIOSPERMS are classified as which can be PLANTS WITH SEEDS PLANTS Natural Science 2. Secondary Education
They do not have flowers, and they produce neither fruits nor seeds. Reproduction occurs through the alternation of generations and they disperse via spores. Two common examples are mosses and ferns. Seedless plants Go back to the Start menu Moss Fern UNIT 4 Classifying plants Natural Science 2. Secondary Education
Their flowers are not particularly attractive and they almost always form structures called cones, often with separate genders. Instead of producing fruit, the female cones mature into developed cones which contain seeds. Some examples of gymnosperms are pine trees, firs and junipers. Gymnosperms Female cone Male cone Seed UNIT 4 Classifying plants Go back to the Start menu Natural Science 2. Secondary Education
Their flowers are generally attractive. They produce fruit, which contain seeds. There are many different angiosperms, from small grasses to large trees. Angiosperms Seed Flower with androecium (stamen) and gynoecium (pistil) UNIT 4 Classifying plants Go back to the Start menu Natural Science 2. Secondary Education