Gifted & Talented Education Arcadia Unified School District Developed by Charlene Mutter, Coordinator Curriculum, Assessment & Staff Development
CDE GRANT for GATE Required for funding; 1, 2 or 3 year grant with annual budget updates Provides guidelines for GATE programs Emphasizes differentiated instruction within the school day Emphasizes connection to grade level content standards
The GATE Grant addresses… Program Design Identification Curriculum & Instruction Social & Emotional Development Professional Development Parent & Community Involvement
Identification Process Teacher referrals (April & May) Teacher Recommendation STAR Testing Data AUSD Assessment Data Samples of Student Work & Other Data AUSD Selection Committee (August) Conference with Principals Final Selection & Notification
Frequently Asked Questions: Identification Are GATE students transferring from other districts added to the AUSD program? Can parents recommend their students for GATE? If my child is GATE in elementary school, are they still GATE?
Current Opportunities for Middle School GATE Students Accelerated Math and Electives 7 th Grade Algebra, 8 th Grade Geometry Electives vary by site Advanced Art, Music, Drama, Spanish Drill Team Leadership Opportunities Peer Tutoring ASB PALS, Web Leaders, Help Club
GATE Focus Differentiated Instruction within the classroom For all students who have mastered content standard(s) being taught Staff Development for teachers Site GATE Facilitators Supplemental GATE Program Saturday Field Days (3) Math, Science & Language Arts
Why is the GATE program changing? Funding currently reduced by 15%; additional mid-year cuts expected Need to align Arcadia’s GATE program to California Dept of Ed standards
Plans for AUSD GATE Site-level parent GATE meetings District-level parent GATE meetings (GATE Advisory Council) Parent seminars Teacher professional development AUSD GATE website
Parent Involvement Opportunities Attend AUSD-sponsored parent forums and seminars Attend the GATE Advisory Council meetings Join the National Association for Gifted Children ( Join the California Associaton for the Gifted (
More Parent Resources… Gifted Child Quarterly ( Gifted Child Today ( EPGY Educational Program for Gifted Youth ( Center for Talented Youth at the Johns Hopkins University ( The Gifted Child Society (