Jennifer Bellah ESE /13/15
Brain Pop Online Tutorial Simulations Instructional Games Problem Solving
Website drill and practice and instant feedback Basics for free, more with membership Supplements curriculum with videos, students can interact with content through games and activities, quizzes are available for online assessments as well Enrichment for excelling learners/remediation and extra practice for others
Simulates human tutor Individualized, extra practice, instant feedback Available through many websites, varying cost Students can receive individualized homework help and tutoring to support content mastery Works at the student’s pace to support the needs of slower learners, provides extra support on previously taught material
Demonstrates real or imaginary systems Provides learning opportunities otherwise not available Many websites offer free video and virtual simulations Students or teachers can use simulations to model activities and processes during instruction or as lab activities to accompany lessons Multisensory experience to support varying learning styles
Learning games come in a variety of formats Skills practice, increased motivation, drill and practice, immediate feedback Free and membership websites available via the internet Supplemental to instruction, supporting material already learned Varying paces, individual levels, progress as you master skills
Direct teaching and practice of problem solving steps Learners acquire problem solving competence and confidence and increased opportunities Available through various websites Supports critical thinking and problem solving skills Individual levels and pacing, enrichment for advanced learners
Word Processing Spreadsheets Presentation Software Interactive Whiteboard Student Response Systems
Software like Microsoft Word Drafting, formatting, neatness, tools to support writing process Software must be installed on a device Note taking, writing process, short answer assessments Great for students with fine motor delays and penmanship weakness
Software like Microsoft Excel Neat and organized date, formatting and tools Must be installed on your device Collect data, visually represent data, organize and present data Tool for teachers as well as students Supports organization, neatness, and has tools like auto sum to support students
PowerPoint, Prezi are two examples Visually engaging, allows for creativity, multisensory opportunity Installed program or website Creative opportunity for students to plan and present information Nontraditional learning tool allows students with a variety of skills to present professionally
White board connected to a computer providing many unique tools Students can engage in the curriculum, teacher can manipulate computer from focal point of the room, multimedia opportunities for instruction Can be costly, reduced prices and increased availability are making these more accessible Interacting with curriculum, visually stimulating and interactive instruction
Hand-held devices used by students Whole group response, instant feedback for teachers, limited copying from peers Schools must purchase and train teachers Use as whole group response tool, formative assessments, preassessments Individual response, private response, engaging to learners
Roblyer, M., & Doering, A. (2013). Technology tools for 21st century teaching - beyond the basics. In Integrating educational technology into teaching (6th ed., pp ). Boston: Pearson.