In groups: Step 1 & Step 2: Drexler, Bhavesh & Charlotte Step 3, Step 4 & Step 5: Saratha & Sam You have 10 minutes to use the plasticine/play dough etc and or diagrams to explain the assigned step of the Sliding Filament theory. If it helps put your model on the paper and label the parts on the paper Timer
Learning Outcomes All able to remember and understand the 3 different types of fibres Most are able to apply knowledge of the fibres to sporting events. Some are able to justify the proportions of muscle fibres in each muscle
Answer exam questions 3 & 4 on p42 (sheet from last week). Pick three different athletes from three different sports. Discuss and justify what you think their distribution of muscle fibres would be. In addition answer and explain the following statement: “can muscle fibre distribution predict success in certain sporting activities?”
Brain storm on A3 piece of paper what you already know about Muscle Fibres.
Within skeletal muscle there are 3 types of muscle fibres. All contain a mixture of all three but not in equal proportions. This mix is mainly genetically determined. These fibres are grouped into motor units, only one type of fibre can be found in one unit. (Motor unit – the motor nerve and the group of muscle fibres that it controls)
In groups complete the I am type….. sheet to demonstrate your knowledge of the three types of fibres. Extension: Look at Fig 2.07 – what does it suggest? Although fast twitch fibres generate much greater forces they have a higher fatigue index meaning shorter contraction time.
The relative proportion of each fibre type varies in the same muscles of different people. Elite endurance – greater proportion of slow twitch fibres Elite sprinter – greater proportion of fast twitch fibres
Generally true but there are other determining factors: - length of lever - VO2 max - physique - motivation - confidence
Using characteristics of muscle fibres discuss the differences using sporting examples. Be prepared to share your thoughts with the class.
Using the sporting pictures create a continuum like the one shown below according to the fibre type predominantly used by the selected performer. _________________________________ Type 1 Type 2a Type 2b Now look at Fig 2.09 to check your continuum
In pairs attempt the exam question Peer mark the answer in green pen
Plenary Activity: Look again at your A3 piece of paper, using a green pen what can you add to it now. Learning Outcomes All able to remember and understand the 3 different types of fibres Most are able to apply knowledge of the fibres to sporting events. Some are able to justify the proportions of muscle fibres in each muscle