Forest Degradation Monitoring in Vietnam Forest Inventory and planning Institute (FIPI)


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Presentation transcript:

Forest Degradation Monitoring in Vietnam Forest Inventory and planning Institute (FIPI)

Contents  Reasons and rates for forest degradation  Brief view of forest degradation measurement systems  Quantifying degradation emissions  The challenges in forest degradation monitoring

Illegal logging: Illegal logging: Reasons and rates of forest degradation

Forest purpose conversion: Forest purpose conversion: Reasons and rates of forest degradation

Lack of budget for forest protection: Lack of budget for forest protection: Reasons and rates of forest degradation

Total area of forest degradation

Forest Types Total Rich forest Medium forest Poor forest Restored forest Mixed forest Country

Forest degradation proportion Fluctuation of forest degradation areasProportion of degradation areas by forest types

Forest degradation monitoring system Cycle I ( ) : 3,300 sample plots (SPs) by grid 8km x 8km in the forested area. Cycle I ( ) : 3,300 sample plots (SPs) by grid 8km x 8km in the forested area. Cycle II ( ) : 3,600 SPs by grid 5.6 km x 5.6 km. Cycle II ( ) : 3,600 SPs by grid 5.6 km x 5.6 km. Cycle III ( ) : SPs Cycle III ( ) : SPs Cycle IV ( ): 2100 SPs by grid 8km x 8km Cycle IV ( ): 2100 SPs by grid 8km x 8km

Forest degradation monitoring system

Forest carbon map over time

Amount of emission over time Tons of CO2

Amount of emission over time

The challenges in forest degradation monitoring  Speed of forest cover change  Limitation of satellite imagery quality  Budget for forestry sector  Technology application

Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!