Supporting Your Child’s Math Education February 4, 2015
Good phrases to use I love math! Math can be like a puzzle or mystery. Let’s find the solution! I did well in math because I worked hard. So can you! That’s a cool, new way to learn math. I wish I learned that way when I was your age!
Games that include math Yahtzee War Rummy 500 Other card games Chutes and Ladders Any board game
Other ideas What other ways can you promote a positive attitude toward math?
Time Provide opportunities to read analog clocks Determine elapsed time in schedules Should be mastered by 3 rd grade
Money Estimate when grocery shopping Count piggy bank change How much is in my pockets? Counting and identifying coins should be mastered by 2 nd grade More practice in 4 th and 5 th with decimal operations
Everyday Opportunities to Practice Math Use mile markers in car rides Practice fractions while cooking and baking Measure with rulers—like a number line What other ways have you incorporated math into everyday life?
Math Fact Goals Grade 1: + and – facts to 10 Grade 2: + and – facts to 20 Grade 3: x and ÷ facts to 100 Grade 4 & 5: Reinforcement of all facts
Math Fact Strategies Addition –Counting up (+1, +2) –Doubles facts (8 + 8) –Make ten (7 + 5 = ) Subtraction –Counting back (-1, -2) –Count back to ten (13 – 7 = 13 – 3 – 4)
Math Fact Strategies Multiplication –Skip counting (3, 6, 9) –Using known facts (3 x 7 = 3 x x 2) Division –Making groups –Using related multiplication facts
Ideas for Fact Practice Websites iPad apps Car rides Fact of the day What other ideas do you have for fact practice?
Homework Support: Ask Questions Struggling with homework: –What do you know about this problem? –How could we start this problem? –What do you think we should do first?
Homework Support: Ask Questions Seeking a challenge –What’s another way that we can check this problem? –What if…? –Make up your own problem like this one and I’ll try to solve it.
Homework Support If your child has completed it alone, check the math homework to be sure s/he is on the right track. Don’t make it a battle. Contact the teacher or write a note if the student has attempted, but cannot complete the assignment without a great deal of help.
Rote procedures vs Understanding Do you remember a time that you memorized a math procedure for a test and then couldn’t remember it for the final exam?
Number Sense The ability to use all types of numbers flexibly –Count easily, up and down –See amounts without having to count (subitizing) –Understand place value –Take numbers apart and put them together –Fluently perform all operations, eventually with all kinds of numbers (decimals, fractions, percents, etc)
How would you solve these problems?
Mental Math Estimation and mental math skills help students to develop their number sense. How do you encourage mental math and estimation skills?
Manipulatives Hands-on objects that help students understand math at the concrete level Counters, place value blocks, fraction strips, pattern blocks, etc.
Visual models A way to move students from the concrete to the abstract Number bonds, bar models, number lines
3 x ¾ Can you think of a story to go with this problem? Which manipulatives or visual models could you use to show this?
3 ÷ ¾ Can you think of a story to go with this problem? Which manipulatives or visual models could you use to show this?