Welcome to Third Grade’s Curriculum Night!
Meet the Team Veronica Bradshaw Merrill Hacker Monica Jones Laura Milavec Kimberly Spano Kelly Trone
Reading Balanced Literacy Read-Alouds Shared Reading Independent Reading Guided Reading Word Work Targeted Skills Comprehension Strategies and Skills Strengthening Fluency Sound/Spelling Patterns Vocabulary Writing
Guided Reading D ifferentiated Groups Based on fluency, comprehension levels, student performance and teacher observation Types of Work Novel Studies, Literature Circles, Skill- Based Lessons, Research, Independent work opportunities, Literacy Stations
Writing Elements of the Writing Process Focus, Organization, Conventions, Support, Elaboration, Style Across the Curriculum/Content Areas Word Structure & Grammar Will be infused into DOL practice (Daily Oral Language) Various Products friendly letters, summaries, poetry, biographies, narratives, research
Math Numeration Place Value Addition and Subtraction to 9,999 Algebra Fractions Multiplication/Division – through 12 Area and Perimeter Geometry Graphs Measurement Problem Solving (multi-steps)
Science Unit Topics Structures & Functions of Living Organisms Forces and Motion Matter - Properties & Change Energy - Conservation & Transfer Earth Systems, Structures, & Processes Ecosystems Students should be able to… Collect data Make relevant observations Draw conclusions Work through the scientific process
Social Studies Unit Topics: Communities Geography Citizenship and Government Economics
Communication (easiest mode of communication) Class Wiki Agendas Power School (check grades) Phone Calls Conferences (scheduled in advance)
Attendance and Tardies * Students may enter the classrooms at 7:30am. * Anyone entering the classroom after 8:00am is considered tardy. * The instructional day ends at 3:00. * Please schedule all appointments after school hours. * Students absent/tardy must complete all missed work.
Homework Policy Nightly reading – 7 days a week Additional assignments Agendas (copied directly from the board) Student’s RESPONSIBILITY!!! Build independence and hold them accountable Students should be able to complete assignments with minimal assistance Please check for completeness Make up work when absent
Grading Scale A (excellent performance) 92-85B (very good performance) 84-77C (satisfactory performance) D (low performance) 69-0F (unsatisfactory performance) *Transition: a “3” in second grade is equal to % on the grading scale for grades 3-5, a “2” = 60-79%, a “1” = below 59% *Grades are earned, not given!
Local Assessments MAP Rubrics Common unit assessments (all subjects) Journals/Reflections Other
State Assessments Combination of open-ended & multiple choice questions Math and Reading ONLY NC Ready Exams - Taken during the month of May TRC/DIBELS Practice throughout year Plan vacations accordingly
What Can You Do To Help? * Attend your child’s 1 st Quarter Conference – October * Review homework * Be on time to school-in the room by 7:30am * Talk to your child about his/her day * Discuss & ask questions about what your child is reading * Provide a nightly routine / quiet place for homework * Provide a regular bedtime & a good breakfast * Celebrate successes!
Volunteers All chaperones, tutors, or other volunteers must be approved through the CMS website. If you have agreed to chaperone: –No siblings –No smoking –CMS Transportation Only –Responsible for paying same fees as children