Vegetation distribution of China and its responses to climate change Ensheng Weng
Geographic features of China
Summer circulation Tibetan Plateau plays a critical role South-west monsoon South-east monsoon Westerly jet
Winter circulation Tibetan Plateau plays a critical role Westerly jet Tibetan cold high Siberia-Mongolian cold high
Climate of China
T (Jan.) T (Jul.)
Climate-Vegetation Relationships Climate determines vegetation distribution Precipitation and temperature are two key factors from Whittaker, 1975
Vegetation of China Wu, CY, Vegetation of China
Vegetation of China Wu, CY, Vegetation of China Tropical forest Sub-Tropical forest Temperate forest Mixed forest Taiga - +
Vegetation of China Wu, CY, Vegetation of China ForestMeadowsteppeTypicalsteppeDesertsteppeDesert +-
Vegetation of China Wu, CY, Vegetation of China Conifer forests Alpine meadows Alpine steppes Alpine deserts
Vegetation of China Wu, CY, Vegetation of China Conifer forests Alpine meadows Alpine steppes Alpine deserts ForestMeadowsteppeTypicalsteppeDesertsteppeDesert +- Tropical forest Sub-Tropical forest Temperate forest Mixed forest Taiga - +
How it response to climate change Changes of Temperature in past 50 years Northern area Central China Changes of Precipitation in past 50 years
Scenarios at the end of 21 st century CO 2 SRES-A2 CO 2 SRES-B2
BIOME model Defined 14 plant functional types (PFTs); Assigned a climatic envelope for every PFT; porsposed a rule to regulate the co-exist of PFTs; Biomes (vegetation types) are the combinations of PFTs.
BIOME model
Calibration Simulated map from original parameters the boundary between forests and steppes forests shift southwards
Calibration Priestley-Taylor coefficient
Calibration Temperature of January
Calibration The same PFTs occur in the colder and dryer areas
The results from new parameters Kappa=0.67
Response of vegetation distribution to climate change CO 2 SRES-A2CO 2 SRES-B2
Vulnerable areas Northern China Southwestern China Tibetan Plateau
Effects on Human being Desertification Deforestation
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