DEM from USGS ◦ Digitized version of 1:24,000 topo quadrangle ◦ Vertical accuracy 5m, 30m resolution KML files, digitized from Google Earth ◦ Lake perimeter ◦ Drain line for dam Drain depth estimations in 400ft increments BING aerial imagery Drain LineDepth 1 st 400 ft~ 1 ft 2 nd 400 ft3 ft 3 rd 400 ft4 ft 4 th 400 ft~ 6 ft 5 th 400 ft~ 8 ft Remaining~ 10 ft
Lake perimeter and drain line depths (m)
Edit DEM bottom topography Translate depth to elevation Create DEM of Lake Bottom Edit DEM 2 surfaces Identify elevation of 2 surfaces Create DEM of Lake Surface (normal/ flood) Raster subtraction = depth values Volume Estimations in Excel Generate Depth Raster, Volume Estimations
Convert 30m raster DEM to center points Edit points within the lake perimeter to reflect drain depth estimations Center-point values edited to reflect the lake bottom. Values are based on drain line depth estimations.
Points file mass points for terrain creation Interpolate terrain to raster DEM with cell size 6.35m*
Kml shoreline doesn’t make ‘elevational’ sense... Modified using aerial imagery, DEM Flood level established from photos taken in Summer
Select all points within lake perimeter at each height Assign new value to selected points Create terrain from points and interpolate to raster
Raster subtraction using Lake bottom DEM and Lake surface DEMs DepthExpression NormalNormal Surface – Lake Bottom FloodFlood Surface – Lake Bottom Normal HeightFlood Height
Performed in Excel Normal and flood depth rasters converted to ascii and imported to Excel Volume: Cell Length x Width x Height (depth) ◦ 6.35m x 6.35m x (depth) Sum all volume calculations Normal Water Level: 85, m 3 (112,095.6 yd 3 ) Flood Water Level: 190, m 3 (249, yd 3 )
Data: ◦ 30m DEM from topo contour digitization/ interpolation poor quality for scale of analysis ◦ Lake depths estimations from lake users Terrain to Raster ◦ Raster grid size (6.35m): questionable Should match input size (30m), but too coarse for lake perimeter—excludes large amounts of lake area ESRI default: based on the overall dimensions of the minimum bounding rectangle and the number of input elevation points